Just for the record, I'm convinced that it's Brodie who is deluded and
deluding us here -- it's his lies which are confusing us.
Brett's homepage is very large -- and Brett also began posting a long time
ago (his first post was on June 26/97, see
http://www.lucifer.com/virus/virus.97/4497.html )
If Richard = Brett then certainly Richard has spent far more time on this
"experiment" than it deserved. His *real* experiment, I believe, is
happening right now, in watching how we treat both Brett and himself. I for
one intend to do exactly as before -- although perhaps I'll take what
Richard says with a *larger* grain of salt.
Additionally, I'd like to see a realization from Brett that it is his own
mostly incomphensable posts which even allow Richard's silliness to have
any effect.