

Hypatia: Virian Saint

Empathy and Vision: The Quiet Virtues

Interview with BJ Klein.

Plausible Consequences: Not with a Bang.

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Publisher and Editor:

Contributing Editors:
Jake Sapiens


"Plausible" Consequences:
Not with a Bang.

By Hermit

Buffy: World is what it is. We fight. We die. Wishing doesn't change that.
Giles: I have to believe in a better world.
Buffy: Go ahead. I have to live in this one.

Quiet dedicated scientists, persevered on the problem for decades. None of these scientists suffered from the ethical qualms that might have lead to whistle blowing by western researchers. After all, these scientists worked in very private laboratories for the Peoples Republic of China. Their goal was simply to develop a virus which would cause sterility after the birth of a child. Given the massive overpopulation of their country, a laudable goal - perhaps.

Unfortunately for them, despite immense pressure to deliver, thirty years after the project had been initiated, they had not yet succeeded.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, another group of scientists had been working on a not altogether dissimilar project in research laboratories established by PW Botha, head of the apartheid government in South Africa during the mid 1970s. The scientists who worked for the Botha regime shared the skill and dedication, if to an altogether different cause, with the Chinese scientists, and while their aims were different, their methods were remarkably similar. There was one major difference between the South African and Chinese scientists. Despite sanctions and isolation, the South Africans had had access to the biological research of the west and training from the best. The scientific capabilities of the South Africans, in particular in medicine, were globally recognized, and they were welcomed wherever they went. Including in the depths of the research laboratories of Portland Downs, England and Ames, Iowa, USA - which is where the biowarfare capabilities of the West were slowly honed. But while the work done there was interesting, and the packaging and dispersal mechanisms developed by the Americans in particular were of great interest to the South Africans, the vectors on which they were working were far too lethal, far too brutal, for deployment. Even PW Botha recognized that South Africa could not deploy the class of doomsday weapon which was being developed in these laboratories.

But these were not the only sources carefully developed by the South Africans. South African researchers were also, clandestinely at least, welcomed in Haifra, Israel, as well as in Tjakesitan in the USSR. Homes to the Israeli and Russian biowarfare research programs respectively. Both groups being infinitely more subtle than the US, and all perceiving themselves to be suffering similar threats, working on similar projects. So the South Africans, came and went, to and from these secure locations, and as scientists are prone, they talked about their work, and listened to descriptions of the work of others.

A decade of brilliant biowarfare research followed. Work performed by men dedicated to their national causes, which as men are wont to do, they persuaded themselves was just and necessary. A decade in which these true believers, drawing strength from their beliefs and their fears, labored to achieve their objectives. A decade dedicated to research designed to allow the development of disease vectors which silently sterilized those carrying particular genetic markers.

Who can tell whether the Israelis with their fear of the Palestinians, or the South Africans, with their fear of the blacks, or even the Russians with their fear of the Tartar, were the first to try to develop genetically specific disease targeted specifically at suppressing reproduction in specific populations. All we know is that Israel, Russia and South Africa succeeded. And that the results were either shared, or independently discovered. Unfortunately for these dedicated men, their research proceeded into testing before they discovered the fatal flaw in their plans. That contrary to their beliefs, boer and black, Russian and Tartar, Israeli and Palestinian had intermingled to such an extent that release of any such vector would likely have left the boer in a minority to the "rednecks" as the English were called, would have decimated the Russian population as it eliminated the Tartar, and would eliminate the genetic Jew, leaving the "Russian Jews" as the only "Jewish" survivors. Unacceptable results indeed. And so, their brilliant results were placed in secure vials in the vaults of grade 3 laboratories, while further research was performed to attempt to narrow down the range of those susceptible to these cleverly engineered viruses.

And then, the vagaries of life overtook the careful plans of these scientists and their political sponsors. At least in South Africa and Russia. While Israeli biologists continued to labor on the problem, somehow maintaining their budgets through a draconian economic climate, courtesy of the billions of dollars pumped into her coffers by American sympathizers, Russia and South Africa both collapsed economically and socially.

We cannot tell for sure whether the Chinese bought the solution from Russian researchers, whether, after the apartheid government of South Africa was dismantled by FW de Klerk, and the ANC, long riddled with closet - and not so closet - Mauists took over, they handed the results to Beijing, or perhaps the Israelis, always more careful of their wallets than their future simply sold their results to the Chinese. However it transpired, we can surmise that the fruits of this research, and indeed, vials marked "Biological Samples" made their way, however contorted, into the Chinese laboratories, and provided their researchers with a major boost. A simple flu like virus, conveniently developed from an Asian strain, which left the victim sterile. And a set of recipes allowing the strain to be bound to particular proteins unique to specific population groups.

We can imagine the delight of the Chinese researchers - along with their chagrin at the lecture that no doubt was delivered to them by their political masters along with this munificent assistance. Not a complete solution, it took a further decade to develop a specific binding which would tie it to their population and cross-link the virus to the prostaglandin surge caused by birth, but by early 2002 the virus was ready and had been tested on a group of dissidents who had been kept in isolated wards until the results were certain before their disposal by more traditional means.

Now that they had the method to control their population at hand, the Chinese cabinet entered discussion as to how best to deploy it. And then, fate, and a foolish American conspired to change the course of history.

A boorish Texan was elected President of the United States. An earlier president of theirs, Thomas Jefferson, once said that the US President was drawn as a representative of the people, and that they would select the person best suited to represent them. If this remained true, the election of "Dubya" Bush says much about the ignorance and bigotry of the American people, but even then, they might have learned and grown had they not threatened the Jade Kingdom. But in late 2002 "Dubya" Bush announced that the United States would not allow any other nation to challenge the American hegemony. This made it clear to the leaders in Beijing - who knew as well as the planners in Washington that the economic insanity of American energy consumption was ensuring that the days of American dominance were drawing to a close - and that China might well be destroyed in the flailing which would no doubt surround the decay and death of the American dream. The world had seen the collapse of the USSR and analogies to the disintegration of earlier civilizations (if we can so flatter these cultures with the term) were not needed to remind us that the death of a way of life could be unpleasant - and untidy not to say dangerous to her neighbors.

Certainly, it would be at least a decade before China, focused on internal growth and industrialization, would stand a military chance against a nation responsible for nearly 40% of world arms expenditure - and which could destroy not just China, but the world, many times over. Certainly the threat was not just to China, but could they take the chance that they would not be targeted by this rogue nation and its insane demolition of the diplomatic and legal structures which man had spent the last century developing. Clearly the answer was no.

And so, the plans for the birth-control virus, developed over so many years were again changed. A new priority was established. And the laboratories worked overnight to develop a new, stable configuration. This new strain attacked only premenstrual girls. They would develop a mild flu, and no other symptoms. But it would leave the majority of its victims sterile. Further work, greatly aided by the public domain DNA analysis libraries, ensured that while those of Chinese descent would also have a short bout of flu syndrome, yet, it would have no other effect on them.

The 2008 Olympics provided the ideal time to release the virus "into the wild." Tens of thousands of cylinders of helium were carefully charged with a small addition. The virus. These were used to inflate balloons released during the opening ceremonies worldwide. A number of balloons burst over China, and infected Chinese and visitor alike. Others were carried by stratospheric winds to the corners of the earth. These were assisted by the massive travel surge created by the Olympics. Still, much like any other year, the world suffered only a brief bout of flu. As it first appeared amongst the athletes and visitors to the Chinese Olympics, it was tagged, and although nobody recognized the implicit irony, it was called the Olympic flu. It differed from the Phucket Flu which also appeared that year, only in the mildness of its symptoms and the fact that it seemed to persist with fewer variations than most other flu viruses. Certainly nobody considered it to be unusual.

By 2010 the phenomenon of teenage pregnancy appeared to have been brought under control and in the Christian States of America (as an ever more religious nation had renamed itself), there was at least until the facts started to trickle out, general rejoicing at the "miracle" wrought by the emphasis on "religious values".

By 2012, the world realized that sterility was becoming a problem. The same year, genetic analysis, suppressed by governments everywhere, revealed that the cause was the Olympic flu, and desperate research began to attempt to find a cure. Soon the fact that those of Chinese descent were immune to this effect became apparent, but it was assumed that this was due to the fact that the Chinese were more exposed to flu variants - after all, most flu viruses developed in the guts of duck in the paddy fields of Asia, and thus had some natural immunity.

Perhaps the Russians guessed otherwise, but the combination of their collapsed economy and natural reluctance to draw blame upon themselves served to keep them quiet. South Africa, suffering from widespread starvation, tribal warfare and massive civil war had enough troubles of their own never to say anything, even if they guessed. Israel, we are sure knew what had happened, and suspect they approved. Certainly, they engaged in a massive campaign to convert Chinese women to Judaism and so ensure their survival and dominance in a region which it appeared they would soon control. Their brilliant mind-control programs worked on these "brood-wives" as well as they had done on Jews around the world, and has resulted in their retaining and expanding their grip on the entire Middle East. A pragmatic people, quick to action to their advantage, they deal well with the similarly minded leadership in Beijing.

Europe, already pragmatic about immigration, in the face of their long declining populations, simply opened the doors to immigration by the Chinese - and this lead eventually to the Greater Chinese Alliance with all of Europe deciding to become vassal states to China.

The US, never comprehending economics or power and already paranoid and xenophobic, closed its borders to the world, and for a while enjoyed a higher standard of living due to the reduction in spending on education - before total economic and civil collapse. By the time that the general population realized what had happened, and began killing all their citizens of Chinese descent, they were no longer in a position to successfully attack the Chinese homeland or the vassal states. The use by Washington, of nuclear weapons on San Francisco and Los Angeles simply guaranteed that the world would regard it as a pariah area as it painfully disintegrated.

The Chinese population, educated in why they should have only two children has now dispersed over the World, and population density is down to a level where economic prosperity is assured for all. Soon, the "ancestors being willing", China will begin to civilize the Americas and the world will be unified under the Beijing government - except of course for the Middle East.

Copyright © 2003 by Hermit Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. Permission is granted to the Church of Virus to publish this work upon it's BBS and transmit the contents via the associated maillist so long as this copyright notice is maintained in its entirity.

