Vol 1, Issue 1 September 2003


Hypatia: Virian Saint

Empathy and Vision: The Quiet Virtues

Interview with BJ Klein.

Plausible Consequences: Not with a Bang.


Publisher and Editor:

Contributing Editors:
Jake Sapiens




Hypatia: Virian Saint

by Hermit

When the Christians destroyed the Library of Alexandria under Theodosius in 391 and 396CE, the librarian was Theon (or variously Theron). We can imagine his and his daughter Hypatia's feelings as some 500 000 scrolls representing hundreds of years of collection and research were destroyed. This was a forerunner of the end of "The Golden Age". Many have argued that the death of Hypatia, only 25 years later introduced the real "dark ages" as the last light of reason was extinguished with her death.

Today the Church of Virus is pleased to Illuminate Hypatia as our second Saint... (read more)

Empathy and Vision:
The Quiet Virtues

By: Kharin

Virus was originally created to compete with the traditional (irrational) religions in the human ideosphere with the idea that it would introduce and propagate memes, which would ensure the survival and evolution of our species. The main advantage conferred upon adherents is that Virus provides a conceptual framework for leading a truly meaningful life and attaining immortality without resorting to mystical delusions.

Virus is a collection of mutually-supporting ideas (a meme-complex or memeplex) encompassing philosophy, science, technology, politics, and religion. The core ideas are based on evolution and memetics because one of the primary design goals was survivability through adaptation (religions die, not because they grow old, but because they become obsolete). If a new religion is designed around the premise of continuously integrating better (more accurate, more useful) concepts while ensuring the survival of its believers, it could conceivably achieve true immortality. (Read more)

Featured Works:

Interview with BJ Klein:
By: Kharin

The Immortality Institute is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting ideas and developments geared towards ending involuntary death and expounding immortalism as a practical philosophy. This essentially forms an umbrella term encompassing cryonics, nanotechnology, genetic modification and various other ideas tending towards the same purpose of extending lifespans.

These ideas are controversial on a number of fronts; the feasibility of these ideas and technologies, their implications on our environment and resources and their philosophical implications. Bruce J. Klein, Director of the Immortality Institute, was kind enough to answer questions on these issues. (Read more)

"Plausible" Consequences: Not with a Bang.
(Part 1 of 3)
By: Hermit

Buffy: World is what it is. We fight. We die. Wishing doesn't change that.
Giles: I have to believe in a better world.
Buffy: Go ahead. I have to live in this one.

Quiet dedicated scientists, persevered on the problem for decades. None of these scientists suffered from the ethical qualms that might have lead to whistle blowing by western researchers. After all, these scientists worked in ... (Read more)

