virus: bad boys etc

Tracy Yucikas (
Sun, 02 Aug 1998 21:32:56 -0700

Re: virus: bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?

>There is not a verse regarding reality in "genesis" that does not conlict
whith science.

>"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" - We know the age
of the Earth to be >much less than the most of the Universe, they were not
created at the same time, even the >opening line is wrong.

>I do think that fear is what keeps them from disbelief - this is the only
generalization I >knowingly will go with.

>Bill Roh

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ???? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

oh gosh, never thought I'd play the devil's disciple and defend a biblical
of view, but here goes ....

"In the beginning the world was without form and void ...."
is how Genesis 1,1 starts out.

Amazingly close to the default conditions which one could imagine
existing prior to the "Big Bang". (without form and void)

Although I fer sure take issue with a lot of stuff that comes later,
I can find no fault with how the first book of the bible starts. Just
need to speak out for truth (as I see it at least).

...Tracy Yucikas (speaking for non-verbal memes)