Re: virus: Considering Credibility and Scanning Sources

From: Hermit (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 14:33:19 MDT

[Joe Dees] He has certainly had members if CAIR, who have publicly called for the US to be subjugated to Shari'a law, conduct an extensive smear campagn against him, probably including derogatory Amazon book
reviews in order to impact his revenue.

[Hermit] Perusing his articles, I hardly think that anyone need incite others to write "derogatory reviews." Unless his books are written by a ghost-authors, they are almost certainly risable enough to receive "derogatory reviews" on their merits - or lack of them.

[Joe Dees] CAIR is not a moderate Islamic group; they only (poorly) masquerade as one; they are allied with the Wahhabist element of Islam which Saudi Arabia has been attempting to import into the minds of American Muslims by paying for expensive US mosques, then installing Wahhabists as their imams. CAIR is incensed at
Daniel Pipes for keeping these facts in the public eye, thus blowing their moderate cover

[Hermit] The Daniel Pipes's writings you have posted here leaves me with the indelible impression that he would regaard any Islamic group not advocated mass self-immolation as radical.

[Joe Dees] As to the title of Daniel Pipes' paper being racist, this comment suggests a fundamental confusion; Muslims arent just Semitic, or Arabic, or Persian (in fact, the most populous Muslim majority country is Indonesia). Muslims are found in practically every ethnic group in the modern world; therefore, it is in willfully bad faith to attempt to smear an ideoreligious critique titled Fundamental Questions About Muslims as a racist screed.

[Hermit] You are contending that Daniel Pipes does think that there are any moderate Muslims of any race? I suspect that this may be an example of belief unless you are supressing information. Certainly the evidence you have provided indicates that he tars them all, irrespective of origin, as you have, with the same brush.

[Joe Dees] There is little disagreement that Saddam Hussein will be able to go nuclear within three to five years. He would not need ICBM's to deliver same; a suicide aircraft or a ship sailed into a US harbor serve his
purpose just fine. Considering his past record of using WMD's against his own people and those of other nations, and his stated intention to do so against Israel (a 'Jerusalem Brigade' of Iraqis officially tasked with the eventual mission of 'liberating Jerusalem' is being trained in Baghdad) and the US (a past president of which he attempted to assassinate), his continued rule poses a clear and present nuclear danger to the US, and that being the case, preemptive action to forfend nuclear holocaust is eminently sensible andd, in fact, necessarily entailed.

[Hermit] Sorry Joe. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, FAS and I are all in disagreement with you.
In South Africa it took 15 years, a massive research effort, a highly developed industrial-military complex, a highly competent nuclear team, two enhancing reactors, and the assistance of Israel who had access to US development information, to develop a credible nuclear capability. Unless Iraq sources precision machining capabilities capable of working on radioactive materiel (which is extremely difficult to machine), military grade materiels from outside Iraq in large quantities and external consultants to provide the required expertise, the probability of their being able to produce effective warheads is close to non-existent. Even with all the above, there is zero probability that Iraq can create a "nuclear holocaust."

[Hermit] The chemical agents he has deployed were provided by the US for action against Iran, and if he has any available biological materials, they were externally sourced. At this stage, Iraq would be hard pressed to produce yoghurt or bicycles, never mind credible WMDs.

[Hermit] As for claims of attacks against Israel, they are rhetoric designed to impress his arab friends. Iraqs capacity to wage war is limited to the suppression of internal disorder.

[Hermit] I suggest you get a life and stop drinking so much coffee.

This message was posted by Hermit to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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