virus: Everyone knows where this will end up

From: Jonathan Davis (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 06:39:17 MDT

Israeli writer calls on 'cowards' to act - Guardian,3604,773652,00.html

"Oz said: "The good news is that almost everybody in Israel and Palestine
now knows what will happen at the end of the day..."These will be two
independent states, organised roughly demographically. Jerusalem will be two
capitals, not necessarily divided by a barbed wire fence. The Jewish
settlements in occupied Palestine will have to go, and there will be no
massive resettlement of Palestinians inside Israel. It will be like a
semi-detached house with two separate family units. It is painfully simple.
There will be an Israeli embassy in Palestine in east Jerusalem, and there
will be a Palestinian embassy in Israel in west Jerusalem, probably five
miles apart."

...Neither Palestinian Arabs nor Israeli Jews had anywhere else to call
home. "They have to become neighbours, they can't live like a happy family."
He added: "On both sides, there is a cowardly leadership. The patient is
about ready for the painful surgery, but the doctors are cowards. That is
what is delaying the unavoidable solution."



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