Re: virus: Objects all in a row

Wade T.Smith (
Tue, 6 Oct 98 20:03:37 -0400

>How come?

Because objectivity is what lets me know that _you_, and a myriad, can
feel love too.

I'm not at all sure staying subjective yields any insight at all about
anything, as much as I enjoy Beckett- objectivity gives us the language
to discuss things. Science is the great sharer- in search of a single
language- its unique position amongst knowledge systems.

If you didn't have the objectivity to think that there was a guy here
named Wade willing to respond to you, well, where would we be?

Ultimately, I'm arguing against omphaloskepsis. Ultimately, I'm arguing
against any need this universe might seem to have for an observer,
regardless of the fact that we can't know it without observation.

But really, the argument here is yours, isn't it? Isn't the onus on you
to show us what subjectivity is, and in what way it cannot be encompassed?

Wade T. Smith | "There ain't nothin' you | shouldn't do to a god."
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