Re: virus: Spirituality?

sodom (
Thu, 02 Jul 1998 14:25:30 -0400

Funny you should say that, i was thinking the opposite myself. That they might
accept it quicker, but lose interest quicker if it is shown to be false beyond
reason. Funny though, I was just speaking to a woman who works with me, and I
asked her. She told me that in her experience, Women, herself included, tend to
be satisfied with less information to come to a conclusion, unless really
pressed for a "working understanding" , she then went on to complain that her
husband is the exact opposite, he wants to have a working understanding of
everything he touches, and digs for answers way deeper than she does. I am like
this myself, and wont let a subject drop until a satisfactory explanation comes


Bill Roh

Eric Boyd wrote:

> Sodom,
> It is more than a coincidence that you describe this result in a thread
> called "spirituality", I suspect. Is there a possible relationship between
> these test results and the sort of general feeling I get that women (as
> girls, of course) fall more deeply into the clutches of orthodox
> religion?[1]
> A universe dominated by god has always been one in which the laws of cause
> and effect might be suspended at any time...
> ERiC
> [1] This general feeling has just been my experience, of course -- does
> anybody know of any studies on this issue?