Re: virus: Language

Sodom (
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 12:30:54 -0500

I am most certainly NOT a Christian. The question of Chicken and egg is obvious -
the egg came first, mutation was the culprit. As for God, all human conceptions of
a god are man created. This also seems obvious. Thus far, i have seen no evidence
of a god or godlike creature, at least as described in any religion. God is simply
an animalistic fear response to the unknown. The more you believe, the more
animalistic and closer to barbarianism you are. In my humble - Atheistic opinion.
As someone bereft of the emotions of "fear" or "belief", I see the concept of a
god as no big mystery at all, just a handicap to those who are overrun with fear
or belief.

I am the Light, someone get me a shade

Just a note: If i ever talk about god as a legitimate entity, I am joking. I have
never considered the concept of a god entity to be legitimate. I used to be a very
common poster here, but have backed off over the last few months. Dont worry, as
you get to know, you will learn to hate me.

Kristee wrote:

> Sodom, so you're saying you're a Christian, right??? *s* That
> would makes sense, since according to the Bible humans were made in God's
> image, and therefore we can claim we are perfect beings (good looking), and
> blessed as well (we're the best). At least you're humble and Christ-like
> enough to admit it!
> Like the question of the chicken or the egg, which came first; did
> God create Man, or did Man create God??? Wasn't it necessary for both to
> create each other, since the Bible was written by men (created) even if
> divinely inspired, it was necessary for those men to create that concept in
> order to explain our own existance with a theory (Creation). Seems like
> both parties reap the benefits. But poor God, he has to rely on us
> unreliable humans just to exist, however we need no outside help in
> sustaining or killing off ourselves.
> Kristee