Re: virus: Language

Brett Robertson (
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 01:24:00 -0500

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Strange statement to be coming from a linguist.

If language is about how objects relate. And people are objects. Then
language is about how people relate. A theory that syas that a (mental)
language develops which progresses from one as an object talking about
(relating to) objects, to one as an object talking about people, to one
as a person talking about "oneself", to one as a "god" (whole) which
allows people to talk to people--where in this final stage "one" is just
a person amongst people within a mind-- so that it seems that there are
people in one's mind where there used to only be objects; well, makes
sense to me. And if one might then be a container for people talking to
people (be a god) and --through the process above-- finds that one is
talking to oneself; what then? Is one *not* talking to god?

Brett Lane Robertson
Indiana, USA
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Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 11:17:02 -0800
From: Marie Foster <>
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Subject: Re: virus: Language
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We are all pieces of the fabric that is the "universe". The messages we hear?
Who knows what the cause of that is... It really does not matter except for
those who continue to believe in mankind's 'uniqueness'. Which in my mind space
is bunk.

Think on it.

ECheung76 wrote:

> So, you mean those who talk with God are actually hearing themseleves? So it
> doesn't sound that crazy if someone recieve a mission from "god".

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