Re: virus: Language

C.A. Cook (
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 09:15:49 -0600

All apologies. The title of the Julian Jaynes book isn't _Evolution of
Consciousness_, it's _The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown
of the Bicameral Mind_. My bad.

CA Cook, LF

-----Original Message-----

>Like I said, the idea is that intracranial communication
>(thought) is a by-product of our innate intercranial
>communication skill. The main books I am drawing
>this from is _Consciousness Explained_, _The Language
>Instinct_, and (partly) _The Evolution of Consciousness_.
>The latter of the three is the farthest out there, going so
>far as to claim that specific intracranial communication
>didn't appear in the West until the time of Troy, and that
>South Americans were still dependent upon intercranial
>communication at the time of Columbus.
>The author, Julian Jaynes, bases his theory partly on the evolution of
>CA Cook, LF