Any thoughts or URLs?
-Prof. Tim
From: John Moen <>
Subject: Rites of passage
Date: Thursday, January 22, 1998 2:53 AM
Subject: Time: 9:49 AM
OFFICE MEMO Rites of passage Date: 1/22/98
So here I am, Mr. Teacher Guy, and my school is doing this big
multi-disciplinary "Island" project. As part of this they are creating a
new culture based on several that they research. As part of this we're
having them do a little work on Rites of Passage and they're going to
create their own ceremony in their small groups based on their new culture
and then they will perform their ceremony after we do a bigger ceremony
with everyone.
I was wondering if you have any web resources that you might be able to
forward me that you may have collected on the issue in your wanderings
on-line. We're giving them the assignment on Monday so I don't want you to
go way out of your way or anything, but if there's something handy I'd like
thanks wads