Barack Hussein Hitler Obama
« on: 2008-06-25 13:25:19 »
Just for the record - I know I'm gonna get pissed some day at him after he wins the white house, but if BO (my little pet name for him;)) asks me personally and nicely, I'd let him fondle me with a cigar before he smokes it . . . any day, even if I'm otherwise peeved at him. I am after all a Monica Lewinsky Democrat. That woman is a great American patriot! It's important that someone is taking care of the head of state. I'm still hoping some nice hot young intern will give GWB a blowjob, preferrably on film. That would take care of a lot of our problems quickly -- we could have a record setting impeachment in terms of swiftness. Maybe just take a couple of days even if they could just keep the speeches to 30 sec each.
Wikipedia: Godwin's Law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies) is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states: "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." Godwin's Law is often cited in online discussions as a caution against the use of inflammatory rhetoric or exaggerated comparisons, and is often conflated with fallacious arguments of the reductio ad Hitlerum form.
Re:Barack Hussein Hitler Obama
« Reply #2 on: 2008-06-25 16:50:01 »
[Mo] <snip> That woman is a great American patriot! It's important that someone is taking care of the head of state. I'm still hoping some nice hot young intern will give GWB a blowjob, preferrably on film. <snap>
[Hermit] Why be so cruel to interns, or indeed to any humans when there are lizards available? For example, wouldn't 'Ann Coultard' do? After Bush and Ann really, really seem to deserve each other. I bet Ann Coultard would do it. On film even. If paid enough. Or something. After all, sex with an artfully shaved baboon would seem positively decent compared to some of the disgusting stunts Ann has engaged in for publicity.
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999
Re:Barack Hussein Hitler Obama
« Reply #3 on: 2008-06-25 22:01:21 »
[MO]<snip>I'm still hoping some nice hot young intern will give GWB a blowjob,<snip>
[Hermit]<snip>I bet Ann Coultard would do it<snip>
It is nice to see after being AWAL for a week that CoV has got the US election zero'd in on the basic issues.
".... SEX (willing and otherwise), Republican TRANsVESTiTES, BLOW JOBS and loyal to the cause interns ..... and oh yes; how could I forget Adolf in the mix
Big Hug
PS: Speaking on politics and spin, looks like this might make an interesting read, author was on the Daily Show this week. Alpha Dogs, James Harding
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999
Re:Barack Hussein Hitler Obama
« Reply #5 on: 2008-06-27 13:27:15 »
Some commentary I wrote in the course of sharing this video with others:
Hey Akim,
Good to hear from you again. I suppose you may know by now that I'm no longer president of the Grand Prairie Democrats. I'm now living in Arlington, so I passed the presidency on to Katy Hubener. She's been very active with them since, as she has now become one of our Clinton (soon-to-be-Obama) delegates to the national convention.
Yeah, I guess you watched that video? Isn't it amazing to what lengths people will go to demonize a political enemy. If he didn't seem to actually believe what he is saying, I'd say it was almost a humorous comparison. The "honorable" minister shows an apalling lack of historical knowledge about Hitler.
Hitler was not widely liked by most Germans on his ascent to power. He simply held sway over a significant enough plurality of people that he could easily leverage that into intimidation of his opposition. It was only AFTER he had the Reichstag burned that he managed to gain the submission of the masses. It wasn't just that Hitler was a great orator . . . its that he would regularly back it up with violence. Obama has done no such thing.
Also Hitler used fear much more, where as Obama is all about optimism. I also note the preacher attacking Obama in this video making such an emphatic use of his middle name. It truly saddens me that fear of Islam has so completely infected all of our political dialogue in the United States at this time. Anytime the political operators start invoking their boogeymen, it now often seems that implying someone is or may be a Muslim often shows up in their strategic toolboxes. "Obama has been endorsed by Hamas," for example. Sure it could be more a simply terrorist implication, but then "McCain has been endorsed by Timothy McVeigh," or "the Branch Davidians" just wouldn't ring as scary to most Americans in today's political environment.
This election needs to be about reform and optimism, and I think Obama is the best person to have that conversation.
Re:Barack Hussein Hitler Obama
« Reply #6 on: 2008-06-27 14:01:45 »
More "wisdom": Barack Hussein Obama is the cause of the high gas and food prices.
(Mo:Apparently because barack HUSSEIN obama is working with Muslim terrorists. Also the "honorable" minister makes a media outlet censorship list for his flock so they won't hear evil messages.)
Re:Barack Hussein Hitler Obama
« Reply #7 on: 2008-06-27 14:19:19 »
This is the funniest of attempt by the "honorable" minister to demonize Obama -- preached about four months ago.
He says that Obama is a Mack Daddy pimp. Only he says it like that's a BAD thing . . . I personally have met some Mack Daddy pimps so I don't understand why he thinks they are so evil. Anyway I'm probably not in his target audience
Re:Barack Hussein Hitler Obama
« Reply #8 on: 2008-06-27 15:30:08 »
My last thought on this for today:
While I find all of the minister's videos to be ROFLMAO kinda funny, especially the Mack Daddy PIMP line, one still must step back when the silence returns and remain concerned about the fact that this minister IS SERIOUS and that if he is serious its because some people take him seriously. After they get done agreeing that BO is Hitler reincarnated, a secret Islamofacist terrorist Anti-Christ pimp, sent by Satan to subdue and rule the American Empire, . . . even the world . . . doesn't it seem like a rather small leap of faith to get a good sniper or assassin (polonium anyone?) to "do the right thing"?
[MO]<snip>I'm still hoping some nice hot young intern will give GWB a blowjob,<snip>
[Hermit]<snip>I bet Ann Coultard would do it<snip>
It is nice to see after being AWAL for a week that CoV has got the US election zero'd in on the basic issues.
".... SEX (willing and otherwise), Republican TRANsVESTiTES, BLOW JOBS and loyal to the cause interns ..... and oh yes; how could I forget Adolf in the mix
Big Hug
PS: Speaking on politics and spin, looks like this might make an interesting read, author was on the Daily Show this week. Alpha Dogs, James Harding
Ah yes, Godwin's Rule. Such a reliable replicator, pinning itself to Nazi's and Hitler, certainly the most remembered evil authoritarian complex of the last century, if not quite the bloodiest. Yes, anytime Nazis and/or Hitler get invoked, it certainly can't be a bad idea to step back and examine the rhetoric for irrational hyperbole. Certainly the mere fact that someone invokes Hitler or Nazis doesn't necessarily mean they were irrellevant, but on a sheer statistics level, I think Godwin's Law is a useful "rule of thumb". The "honorable" Rev. Manning PhD, is certainly not wasting any time in getting to the historical metric. And I thought it was going to be a "racial" attack, little did I expect it would come in this flavor. Well, my man, BO HAS been equated with every radical black and Muslim terrorist, may as well start branching out to known radical white terrorists as well. Don't vote for Barack Hussein Hitler Obama because he is Adolf reincarnated! All he needs is a mustache. Seig Heil! You ever wonder how things could have gone differently if somebody had done the right thing and assasinated Hitler? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
I think there is quite a healthy what if only list .... currently seemly ending with GWya and cronies.
The silly season is continuing on the blogs now
PS great Utube clips thx
Sourse: zdnet Author: Richard Koman Date: July 1st, 2008
On the battlefield that is Blogger, a fight is raging, apparently, between pro- and anti-Obama bloggers. Some pro-Clinton, anti-Obama bloggers are reporting that, all of a sudden, their blogs are being flagged as spam – and Google bots have dutifully blocked the bloggers from updating their sites. Simon Owens reported Monday that:
When Carissa Snedeker went to log into her Blogspot account Wednesday evening at about 7:30, she had no idea what would be waiting for her. She had created her blog, Blue Lyon, three years ago and up until this point had very few problems posting new content. But this time a message from Google came up when she visited her dashboard.
“This blog has been locked due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations,” the message stated. “You may not publish new posts until your blog is reviewed and unlocked.”
She wasn’t the only one: several anti-Obama blogs, many of them linked from (a site with no contact information or statement of control or funding) were knocked off of Blogger. Says “GeekLove,” a pro-Hillary blogger who wouldn’t give her name:
“I suspect that it was Obama supporters because I think the block was timed to affect blogs prior to the unity event so that we would not ‘rain on the unity parade,’ GeekLove said. “Also, Obama has ads out hiring people with no experience, except the ability to use computers. I presume these are the individuals responsible for silencing any opposition. His campaign has really harnessed the power of the internet and in the process learned to game the system in a way that I find frightening.”
The Times points out that Google claims its “report spam” function can’t be gamed by “angry mobs.” Google’s statement:
“It appears that our anti-spam filters caused some Blogger accounts to be blocked from creating new posts,” Google spokesman Adam Kovacevich said in a statement. “While we are still investigating, we believe this may have been caused by mass spam e-mails mentioning the ‘Just Say No Deal’ network of blogs, which in turn caused our system to classify the blog addresses mentioned in the e-mails as spam. We have restored posting rights to the affected blogs, and it is very important to us that Blogger remain a tool for political debate and free expression.”
Check. Over at JSND, there is a message: “got post? simply weave the copy: just say no deal or no deal into the body of your post and/or title and submit …” She who lives by the sword …
Re:Barack Hussein Hitler Obama
« Reply #13 on: 2008-12-31 11:33:38 »
He's still at it! This guy is almost entertaining in the craziness of his crazy talk. Obama is an emissary of the devil. He must be stopped! It's a crisis!! Its The January Offensive!!! THE FIRST SALVO! 30th of December 2008.
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999