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   Author  Topic: Good News and Bad News  (Read 891 times)

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Good News and Bad News
« on: 2006-04-05 23:39:14 »
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The Good News

German scientists claim that regular sex makes people smarter

Given the German language's predeliction for the iirregular, I am dismayed, dismayed I say, that the "German Scientists" did not advocate irregular sex!

Source: Utro
Authors: Alena Furman
Dated: 2004-03-30

Everyone is aware that sex is a rather pleasant activity. Scientists as well praise sex and discover more and more healthy advantages of it. Indeed, it is good for the body and soul, incredibly healthy in all aspects. German scientists went even further declaring that regular sex makes people smarter.

Leading specialists from the Medical research Center in Hamburg managed to draw such strange correlation between one’s physical and intellectual capabilities. According to the author of such fascinating research study Mr. Werner Habermel, regular sexual intercourses stimulate development of one's intellect.

However, you should not get carried away thinking that it is possible to get smarter simply by doing what you enjoy the most. Sex will not make you Einstein. Nonetheless, there is some truth to Habermel's reasoning.

The scientist claims that such substances as adrenalin and hydrocortisone (hormone of adrenal gland) are secreted in large quantities during foreplay and sexual intercourse. Together, these substances stimulate the grey matter of the brain, which in turn stimulates intellectual activity.

Obviously, one should not wholeheartedly stick to Habermel's assumptions. Hormones will always be hormones, and we should refrain ourselves from such important sources of knowledge as books. Therefore, we suggest that instead of inviting your girlfriend over for a night before finals, you should review your notes and study hard. In the end, neither the German scientist nor your girlfriend will be responsible for your grade.

And the Bad

For those who had hoped, after reading the above, that some loving attention from Dame Thumb and her daughters might increase their IQ

Masturbation is never a replacement for the real thing

Source: Fun Reports
Authors: Not Credited
Dated: 2006-03-13

All sexologists say that masturbation is a type of sex that compares well with sex with a partner. But scientists have experimentally proved that this point of view is wrong.

It is well known that after reaching orgasm, the human body starts producing a hormone called prolactin. This hormone stimulates the feeling of sexual and psychological satisfaction.

Scientists Stuart Browdy from the British Paisley University and Tilman Krueger from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology have conducted an experiment. The volunteers of both sexes first watched a porno film and than masturbated or had sex with a partner in laboratory setting.

After the volunteers had reached orgasm, the scientists measured the number of prolactin hormones in their blood. To their surprise, people who had reached orgasm with a partner had 4 times more prolactin hormones than those who had reached it through self-satisfaction.

Scientists explain it with the fact that orgasm reached through sex with a partner is much more pleasant and satisfying than masturbation.

It is also known that the increasing level of prolactin is usually connected to problems with reaching erection. That is why men need some rest after having sex.
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With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999
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