Sebby wouldn't know absolute terror if it walked up and shat on him. HERE is absolute terror, and it is what we are, blessedly, ending in Iraq:
Blood Red Fury am so furious I can barely type. I cannot put into words the rage I
Two days ago, in a coordinated effort to support the Kerry
campaign, The American Media began to level charges of
incompetency at the Bush Adminsitration for the mishandling of
high explosives in Iraq.
At first, I found this amusing. Here in the final days of the
campaign the media has finally understood that Iraq was a danger
to the world. Fine, It looks like it took them awhile but they
finally got here on the right side of the issue. Welcome Brothers...
After a cursory examination of the charges put forth against the
President and the US Military, We have yet another case of 'media
blowback' underway as it appears that A) The UN is in fact the
likely candidate for mishandling the high explosives and B) It
appears that Russian operatives had a role in their removal prior
to the invasion.
US Soldiers did their duty, and their government is validated in its
decision to invade Iraq and remove the now universally accepted
threat that was the Saddam regime.
Again, so far, so funny. Big media gets the story wrong, Kerry gets
big splat of egg on his face. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy as far
as I'm concerned.
However, the media in its spittle filled 'day of the dead' zombie-
like froth to "get Bush at all costs" is now crawling through old
video for just the right picture or video to once and for all prove
that Bush is an idiot...
They will stop at nothing for Abu Girab, they will stop at nothing
for al Quaqua. But there is one story that the media walks around
like it was a burning pile of dog crap on the front porch, and that
is what we are going to talk about now.
I have a decision to make at this point in the post. I do not do what
I do next lightly, but I feel it must be done. The pictures that
follow are not meant to exploit, they are meant to illustrate,
educate and put these miserable media sonofabitches into context
of reality.
The US Media, the Democrat Party, The Kerry campaign, The EU
and the UN will stop at nothing to tell you tales about how the evil
Bush administration has screwed up Iraq, leaving you with a
context of lies that Iraq was a quiet little thrid world paradise until
we got there and messed it up for everyone.
They will never tell you the other part of the story, the story of the
Iraqi holocaust. It's like telling the story of World War II and just
"forgetting" to tell the story of the Jewish holocaust because you
dont want to offend anyones sensibilities. You can't understand
one without the context of the other. To tell one story without the
other is not only irresponsible, it is at its core racist. Those people
who came back from the WWII experience and tried to excuse
Hitlers crimes as just accidents or wanted you to look elsewhere at
other countries crimes were branded for what they were. Racists.
And so should we do as well with todays media, who treat the
Iraqi holocaust as if it never happened, and what really matters is
only the cost of liberation. No tyrant is too bad to overthrow in the
eyes of the media, we must tolerate them and their crimes, so say
Imagine discussing Omaha beach without the context of Bergen-
Belsen. Imagine someone in a position of responsibility within the
media making the editioral decision to ensure that no one talked
about Bergen-Belsen because it might effect the emotions of the
audience in way that doesnt further their political goals. What
would we call that kind of person?
What we liberated in Iraq was every bit as bad as the horrors of
Nazi Germany. Any reasoning we had for invading was made
moot by the discovery of the first "Childrens Prison" on the 4th
day of the Invasion. We may not have gone in for that reason, but
once we discovered them, and the mass graves, nothing else
When I watched old war movies when I was a kid, my dad told
me to remember every time I saw a bomber fall from the sky in
that stock footage, I was watching 11 men who would not be
coming home. He reminded me that the stock gun camera footage
in movies wasn't Hollywood, that it was real, men did die and
people did get killed. I was not to cheer, even when it was a
Messerschmidt getting shot in the film, it was an airplane, piloted
by a man. That man had family, good or bad right wrong, the
plane was real, the man flying it was real, and a family that
mourns his loss even today, is real.
The pictures that follow aren't Hollywood, they are real. All too
real I am afraid. And shame on us all for forgetting the cost they
paid before we finally put a stop to it.
I want you to look. Take a deep,long look. These are not cartoons,
or Speilbergian Special Effects. These are people. Fellow human
beings every bit as deserving of our care as the haunting souls
who walked out of the gates of Dachau.
While looking at each of the pictures that follow, for each of the
bodies you see, say quietly to yourself, "father, mother, brother,
sister, cousin, uncle, aunt". Repeat this process 300,000 times.
Welcome to the horror of Saddams Iraq.
Behold!, Dear reader and despair:
[Joe] Go to: view the pictures, then read the rest. [/Joe]
Come tell me how the world is really made 'shades of grey' and
how silly and simpleminded I am for thinking that there is real
evil at work in the world and that we have a duty to stop it. Come
and tell me that we Americans are the same as Saddam and his
thugs. Come and tell me that the United States is the biggest
threat to peace in the world. Tell me that our war in Iraq was a
mistake and our President a lying fool for sending us there.
Talk to me until the rivers run dry and the atmosphere evaporates
into space, then go tell these people about the evils of America.
Tell them how all we want is their oil. They will tell you they
would gladly give it to us if only we could bring back the lives of
their children, their wives, their husbands, all butchered at the
hands of the Tikiri clan. Be sure you tell them how you feel we
should never have gone to Iraq because it wasnt a threat to
America. Be sure you tell them how you wish the UN sanctions
should have been allowed to work, even after they had been in
place for 10 years, killing thousands.
Look at the man in the first picture, do you think he gives a damn
about George Bushs' National Guard Record in 1968? Go ask him,
I'm sure he's got an answer for you, just dont stand too close as
he's likely to grab you around the throat to get your attention. Tell
him how moved you were when you first heard the words 'Never
Again" in College, and be sure to tell him how you dont think that
those words apply to him and his family. Tell him how ashamed
you are that the President didn't get the permission of the French
and the Germans before we stopped Saddam from wiping out
what was left of his family.
"father, mother, brother, sister, cousin, uncle, aunt". over and
over and over and over.
And after all those pictures, be sure to tell everyone you see how
you are sure that Saddam was never a threat, that we had him
contained, and we should have left him alone. He wasn't actually
alone, he had all the Iraqi people to keep him company. Too bad
he kept trying to kill them all. A small flaw in our plan.. Be sure to
tell ABC News to keep looking for final video proof of our idiot
President who saw a threat where there was none and bungled the
job afterwards. Keep looking ABC, I'm sure its out there. You
might try looking under the BOXES AND BOXES of film
covering the mass graves. That would be the boxes of film youve
never shown on TV because you don't want to unecessarily scare
And then go look at the pictures again, and realize that Here, can find, not just 20 pictures, but 60 full pages of pictures.
And this is just one site, for one group documenting the horror
you so easily dismiss.
"father, mother, brother, sister, cousin, uncle, aunt". over and
over and over and over.