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  virus: absolute terror of the re-bushism
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   Author  Topic: virus: absolute terror of the re-bushism  (Read 1934 times)

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virus: absolute terror of the re-bushism
« on: 2004-10-31 06:07:08 »
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...i dont know how else to describe this election but to say that from the
slightly wizened to the very wise, we are soooooooooo scared at the very
real prospect of this insanely idiotic and unqualified sociopath winning an
amazing re-election, that i dont know quite what to say other than, this
might be the beginning of our decline into sumthin' baaad!  the rest of the
educated western world did a serious double-take when this evil monkey stole
the election the first time...but as they say, "fool me once, shame on
you..fool me twice, shame on me."  i suspect that if this fucking moron
succeeds in buying his way in through the vast stupidity americana style, it
might be the beginning of the end for us.

...he will apoint 2, likely 3 supreme court justices who will in turn put us
back several decades in social progress and the adjoining scientific
advancements.  we will be thrust backwards towards an islam-style world of
intolerance and self-righteous blight upon all that is not "bushy."  this
new breed of politician seems to be fueled by money for tight knit family
dynasties and misplaced christian notions.  i am so fucking scared at the
outcome, i cant put it in words.  everyone i know is anti-bush, but there
are about 33 states that are more or less filled with retards(hence the term
"fly-over states""...these morons are about to decide the fate of all the
rest of us plus many people internationally involved in our military

...our counry will be seriously fucked.  i hope the bushies are the first
fucking idiots to be drafted to go and die in the lands bush wants his
family dynasty to control...i hope we are only set back 20 yrs and not 40
because of this ignorant fools action.

...regardless...our populace is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
retarded at this point that even if bush goes out of office one day, the
next psycho with a free t-shirt will quickly be there in his place to
successfully manipulate the idiots with catch phrases and slogans for terms
and ideas they will never understand.

...all hail universal democracy.    yeah...time will tell.

"Courage...and shuffle the cards".

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Rick" <aperick@centurytel.net>
Reply-To: virus@lucifer.com
To: <virus@lucifer.com>
Subject: virus: Religion, drugs, and the luck of the draw:
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 18:59:50 -0700

Religion, like any addictive drug, both enhances and softens the human
experience. And both are traps - effective and immediate treatments, yet
roadblocks to all forms of progress. But not all men find the strength to
face their lives without such philosophical and or chemical companions. Not
all strong men find paths to progress. And damn few of those are effective

As long as this cruel world issues strength to some and not to others -- via
the luck of the draw, it would seem doubly cruel to deny unfortunate men
their comforting fantasies and formulas.

Clearly, the use and possession of substances should be decriminalized. But
the issue of the dissemination of religion vexes me.

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Joe Dees

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Re:virus: absolute terror of the re-bushism
« Reply #1 on: 2004-10-31 07:50:09 »
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Joe Dees

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Re:virus: absolute terror of the re-bushism
« Reply #2 on: 2004-10-31 09:12:13 »
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Joe Dees

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Re:virus: absolute terror of the re-bushism
« Reply #3 on: 2004-10-31 09:15:33 »
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My point is ...

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Re:virus: absolute terror of the re-bushism
« Reply #4 on: 2004-10-31 09:39:52 »
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...regardless...our populace is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo retarded at this point that even if bush goes out of office one day, the next psycho with a free t-shirt will quickly be there in his place to successfully manipulate the idiots with catch phrases and slogans for terms and ideas they will never understand.

...all hail universal democracy.    yeah...time will tell.

I can almost see Keith Henson chuckling at this point. We humans have so limited voluntary control over our own idiocy...

As I have claimed before, the tragedy of rationality is that it takes hard work and hard-earned education to forge a rational outlook. It is less so with wide generalizations offering coherence with primordial behaviors.

What is the way to go then? Since we don't expect people to start doing rational analysis with a vision of the widest empathy possible in each particular context any time soon, we have to settle for easily digestible enclaves of rationality in the ideosphere.

But then again, would that be a solution, or would that be a new divide based on a new coherence which would eventually petrify and demand a new start? Well, as far as I can see this is the way things work. None of the "final solutions" proposed has ever escaped this scheme. Blame Hegel.

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"We think in generalities, we live in details"

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RE: virus: absolute terror of the re-bushism
« Reply #5 on: 2004-10-31 16:25:53 »
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[Blunderov] The Johannesburg 'Sunday Independent' editorial today quoted
Thompson frequently and concluded that, in spite of having turned his
body and mind into a toxic wasteland, Thompson is a clearer thinker than
Bush. They did however take issue with Thompson's characterization of
Tony Blair as a 'simpering little whore'. In their view, Tony Blair
cannot be considered 'little'. Interesting times.

Here is an interview with Thompson in which the remarks quoted by the
Sunday Independent today are to be found.

Best Regards.


"If this president is re-elected," he adds, "we are facing the total
death of the American Dream as I know it, and I have spent a lot of time
knowing it. I would tell them that if this gang of criminals get in once
more, we will be in the position of a family who have sent the Hell's
Angels written invitations to their Thanksgiving party.

"Such a decision represents a serious error of judgment." Thompson
laughs, good-naturedly. "Because certain people never leave.
Consequently I would urge them..." He pauses, his voice soft, measured
and utterly serious, "to vote out this baffled little creep, on November
2." </snip>

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Gender: Male
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Re:virus: absolute terror of the re-bushism
« Reply #6 on: 2004-10-31 17:19:17 »
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...i think youre giving too much credit to those i curse aloud.  it is not
that these teeming masses fail to live up to profundity unnatural to them,
it is that they are failing to live up to a most basic variety of thought. 
i see bush stand up on the podium and declare, "i was the first president to
back federal funding of stem cell research."...!!!

...without having to explain further, you can see that if outright deception
is the most effective tool, and that if the nature of the deception is
sooooo simplistic, and yet people are STILL not able to see through it, we
are truly truly fucked.

...the only remaining deception tactic which is MORE simplistic than this
would be something along the lines of Bush standing up on the podium and
declaring that the kerry campaign has resigned and that he accepts the job
as president of the united states again.

...when large groups of people truly fail at a most basic variety of
investigation, and instead base their most heartfelt opinions on snap
impulses and 'feelings' with nary a second of reflection, i am tempted to
say that certain cultural trends may move certain groups right to the
periphery of what it is to be a sentient creature.  indeed, i may even say
it.  alright, i've said it.  =)

"Courage...and shuffle the cards".

----Original Message Follows----
From: "rhinoceros" <rhinoceros@freemail.gr>
Reply-To: virus@lucifer.com
To: virus@lucifer.com
Subject: Re:virus: absolute terror of the re-bushism
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 07:39:52 -0700

...regardless...our populace is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
retarded at this point that even if bush goes out of office one day, the
next psycho with a free t-shirt will quickly be there in his place to
successfully manipulate the idiots with catch phrases and slogans for terms
and ideas they will never understand.

...all hail universal democracy.    yeah...time will tell.

I can almost see Keith Henson chuckling at this point. We humans have so
limited voluntary control over our own idiocy...

As I have claimed before, the tragedy of rationality is that it takes hard
work and hard-earned education to forge a rational outlook. It is less so
with wide generalizations offering coherence with primordial behaviors.

What is the way to go then? Since we don't expect people to start doing
rational analysis with a vision of the widest empathy possible in each
particular context any time soon, we have to settle for easily digestible
enclaves of rationality in the ideosphere.

But then again, would that be a solution, or would that be a new divide
based on a new coherence which would eventually petrify and demand a new
start? Well, as far as I can see this is the way things work. None of the
"final solutions" proposed has ever escaped this scheme. Blame Hegel.

This message was posted by rhinoceros to the Virus 2004 board on Church of
Virus BBS.
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"courage and shuffle the cards..."

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Re:virus: absolute terror of the re-bushism
« Reply #7 on: 2004-11-02 09:05:51 »
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At 07:39 AM 31/10/04 -0700, you wrote:

>...regardless...our populace is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
>retarded at this point that even if bush goes out of office one day, the
>next psycho with a free t-shirt will quickly be there in his place to
>successfully manipulate the idiots with catch phrases and slogans for
>terms and ideas they will never understand.
>...all hail universal democracy.    yeah...time will tell.

>I can almost see Keith Henson chuckling at this point. We humans have so
>limited voluntary control over our own idiocy...

It's a really sour chuckle.

>As I have claimed before, the tragedy of rationality is that it takes hard
>work and hard-earned education to forge a rational outlook. It is less so
>with wide generalizations offering coherence with primordial behaviors.

Not only that, but stressed population with real or anticipated falling
income per capita have a high gain setting on the circulation and build up
of xenophobic memes.  Under such circumstances or that of being attacked
rational thinking is suppressed.

>What is the way to go then? Since we don't expect people to start doing
>rational analysis with a vision of the widest empathy possible in each
>particular context any time soon, we have to settle for easily digestible
>enclaves of rationality in the ideosphere.
>But then again, would that be a solution,

Only if you can decouple from the rest of the human population.

>or would that be a new divide based on a new coherence which would
>eventually petrify and demand a new start? Well, as far as I can see this
>is the way things work. None of the "final solutions" proposed has ever
>escaped this scheme. Blame Hegel.

There actually *is* a solution, population growth below economic
growth.  That mainly requires empowering women.

If there are people in the Toronto area who would be interested, the Sunday
after next I am giving a talk.  It will be on evolutionary psychology and
the origin of war.

The talk will be November 14, 2004 at 1pm at the Unitarian Church at

175 St Clair Ave W Toronto, ON

That's the same place that had a cryonics panel a year or so ago.

If someone knows other places to put this announcement, please do.  The
last one (on cults) had a small attendance, though we did have someone who
came all the way from Amsterdam and there was lots of interaction.

I know there is not much chance of many living close enough to be able to
come, but this is what I have been working on in my copious free time.

Keith Henson


Abstract of talk

Human population are observed to slowly oscillate between being dominated
by rational memes and xenophobic/warlike, often disfunctional memes
(religious and political such as communism).  Why?

I make the case that which class of memes dominates is dependent on the
situation.  A stressed population facing a bleak future will have a high
gain setting for infecting those not caught up with xenophobic or "going to
war" memes.  Rationalist memes will prevail in situations of lower
stress/worry.  This meme switch mechanism has its origin in the millions of
years the human line lived as hunter gatherers.  It has the function of
synchronizing a tribe's warriors to the ultimate effort to do or die in an
attack on a neighboring tribe.  (Irrespective of which side won, the hunter
gatherer population pushing the ecological limits was thinned out.)

"Thinned out populations" results in improving prospects and reduces the
"gain setting" on the spread of xenophobic memes.  This was seen in
Northern Ireland, though not resulting from large scale deaths.  In that
case, a switch to a much lower birth rate a generation ago let economic
growth exceed population growth.  Rational memes slowly prevailed and
support for the IRA faded out.  My claim here is that the psychological
switch into and out of war mode evolved in the stone age to be dependent on
the difficulty of getting game and berries.  Today the mode trigger maps
(roughly) into income per capita, more particularly into changes in income
per capita.

This model has serious real world applications.  Because of the high birth
rate in the Palestinian population (and Islamic populations in general),
and low economic growth, there is no resolution of the problems in the mid
east in sight.  The most likely (and grim) outcome is a population
reducing spasm within the next decade similar to what happened in Rwanda
unless some wild card such as nanotechnology becomes a major economic factor.

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