All Hail the ideological purging of the Virus list!
All Hail the forsaking of the Virion ideals in order to preserve and
protect a partisan e-kaffeclatch!
All Hail the coming Johnny-One-Note totalitarian putsch!
All Hail the e-war pursuits of the militant peace-at-any-price-niks!
All Hail the emerging Islamofascist-FarLeftist dhimmitude of a once-
great forum!
/Sad sarcasm
I have not changed; I still critique these things with a sceptical and
jaundiced eye. Rather, it is a significant proportion of this list which has
become infected with a particular and extremist/absolutist memeplex to
the point that they are willing to abandon objective consideration of
memeplexes in general in order to superglue themselves to a particular
(and particularly odious) memeset. It is the beginning of the death of
the dream of reason on the Virus list.
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