Walter Watts
Posts: 1571 Reputation: 8.61 Rate Walter Watts
Just when I thought I was out-they pull me back in
virus: Source of Holy Spirit Found
« on: 2004-03-21 13:35:57 » |
So that's why churches have huge pipe organs. Very clever.
Walter for full article see CoV for subject: "Infrasound as a Possible Source of Sensations Of the Paranormal"--here's the meat. ----------------------------------------------- Recent research conducted by scientists at the National Physical Laboratory in England provides strong evidence that at least one source of paranormal phe- nomena may be the result of a very low frequency sound (in the range 10-20 Hz) inaudible to humans called infra- sound. It is an extreme bass. <snip> Lord and Wiseman used a 22.5-foot pipe to generate the infrasound (17 Hz at lev- els of 6-8 decibels), testing it on 750 peo- ple who were attending a concert in London. <snip> According to Wiseman, ‘Some of the experiences in our audience includ- ed ‘shivering on my wrist’, ‘an odd feel- ing in my stomach’, ‘increased heart rate’, feeling very anxious’, and ‘a sud- den memory of emotional loss’.” <snip> These induded feelings of unease or sor- row, chills down the spine, or nervous feelings of revulsion or fear. <snip> This was an experiment done under controlled condi- tions and it shows infrasound does have an impact, and that has implications.. a religious context and some of the unusual experiences people may be hav- ing in certain churches.”
Walter Watts Tulsa Network Solutions, Inc.
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