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« on: 2008-03-18 20:53:38 » |
If you are into SciFi or Fantasy or both, and have a broadband Internet connection, this is undoubtedly of interest to you even if you have all the books already. 5.83 Gb of delights. Many books are in multiple formats .lit, .txt, .pdf and .rtf.
E-books Scifi,Fantasy English
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Please don't hit and run.My up speed is only 45kbps. List of authors: ===========
Adams,Douglas Adams,Robert Ahern, Jerry Aldiss,Brian Alexander,Lloyd Allston,Aaron Anderson,Kevin J. Anderson,Poul Anthony,Piers Anvil,Chris Applegate,K.A. Armstrong,Kelly Arthur,Keri Asaro,Cathrine Asimov,Isaac Asprin,Robert Attanasio,A.A.
Bain,Darrell Banks,Iain Bardsley,Michele Barker,Clive Barnes,Arthur K. Baum,L.Frank Baxter,Stephen Beagle,Peter S. Bear,Greg Benford,Gregory Berg,Carol Bester,Alfred Betancuort,John Gregory Bishop,Anne Blake,Anita Bova,Ben Bradbury,Ray Bradley,Marion Zimmer Brennan,Marie Briggs,Patricia Brin,David Brockmann,Suzanne Brooks,Terry Brown,Mary Brunner,John Brust,Steven Bujold,Lois McMaster Bull,Emma Bunch,Chris Burroughs,Edgar Rice Busby,S.M. Butcher,Jim Butler,Octavia
Cadigan,Pat Caidin,Martin Caine,Rachel Callander,Don Canavan,Trudi Card,Orson Scott Carey,Jacqueline Carver,Jeffrey Castaneda,Carlos Chalker,Jack I. Cherryh,C.J. Chester,Deborah Christopher,John Clarke,Arthur C. Clement,Hal Cook,Glen Cook,Rick Cooper,Louise Cooper,Susan Crichton,Michael
Dahl,Roland Daley,Brian Dalmas,John Darren Shan Davidson,Mary Janice DeCamp,I.Sprague DeChancie,John Deitz,Tom DelRey,Lester Delany,Samuel DeLint,Charles Dick,Philip K. Dickson,Gordon Dietz,William C. Donaldson,Stephen R. Douglas,L.Warren Douglass,Sara Doyle&McDonald Drake,David Duane,Diane Duncan,Dave
Edding,David Elliot,Kate Ellison,Harlan Elrod,P.N.
Fallon,Jennifer Farland,David Farmer,Phillip Jose Feehan,Christine Feintuch,David Feist,Raymond E. Flewelling,Lynn Flint,Eric Flint,Kenneth Foley,Gaelen Forstchen,Wiliam Forsyth, Kate Forward,Robert Foster,Alan Dean Frankowski,Leo Friedman,C.S. Freisner,Esther Furey,Maggie
Gabaldon,Diana Gaiman,Neil Gardner,Craig Shaw Garland,Mark Gear,W.Michael Gemmell,David Gentle,Mary Gerrold,David Gibson,William Goodkin,Terry Green,Sharon Green,Simon Greenberg,Martin H.
Haldeman,Jack C. Haldeman Joe Hambly,Barbara Hamilton,Laurell K. Hamilton,Peter F. Hardy,Lyndon Harper,Tara K. Harris,Charlaine Harrison,Harry Harrison,Kim Hawke,Simon Haydon,Elizabeth Heinlein,Robert A. Hendee,J.C.&Barb. Herbert,Frank Hobb,Robin Hodgell,P.C. Hogan,James P. Howard,Robert E. Hubbard, L.Ron
Jacques,Brian Jones,D.F. Jones,Diana Wynne Jones,J.V. Jordan,Robert
Kay, Guy Gavriel Kearney, Paul Kenyon,Sherrilyn Kerr,Katherine Keyes,J.Gregory Knight,Angela Knight,E.F. Koontz,Dean Kurtz,Kathrine Kuttner,Henry
Lackey,Mercedes Laumer,Keith Lawhead,Stephen Lazarevich,Alexander Lee&Miller Lee,Tanith LeGuin,Ursula K. Leiber,Fritz Leinster,Murray Lem,Stanislaw L'Engle,Madeline Lindskold,Jane Lisle,Holly Long,Duncan Longyear,Barry Lowecraft,H.P. Lumley,Brian Lustbader,Eric Van
MacAvoy,R.A. Martin,George R.R. May,Julian McCaffrey,Anne McDevitt,Jack McIntyre,Vonda McKillip,Patricia A. McKinley,Robin Miller,Walter M. Modesitt,L.E. Moon,Elizabeth Moorcock,Michael Murphy,C.E.
Neale,Donald Niles, Douglas Niven,Larry Norman,John Norton,Andre Novak, Kate
Paolini,Christopher Paterson,Derek Perry,S.D. Pierce, Tamora Pike,Christopher Piper,H.Beam Pohl,Frederik Pollotta,Nick Pournelle,Jerry Powers,Tim Pratchett,Terry Prater,Ian Pullman, Philip
Rawn, Melanie Reichert,Mickey Zucker Resnick,Laura Resnick,Mike Rice,Anne Ringo,John Robb,J.D. Roberson, Jennifer Roberts, John Maddox Robinson,Kim Stanley Robinson,Spider Rowley,Christopher Rowling,J.K. Russell,Sean
Saberhagen,Fred Sage,Angie Saintcrow,Lillith Salvatore,R.A. Saundby,Kate Sawyer,Robert J. Scarborough,Elizabeth Anne Schmidt,Dennis Schmitz,James Scott,Martin Sellars,M.R. Shatner,Williams Sheffield,Charles Shinn,Sharon Silverberg,Robert Simak,Clifford D. Simmons,Dan Simmons,William Mark Smeds,Dave Smith,E.E.Doc. Smith,Wilbur Snicket,Lemony Spencer,Wen Stableford,Brian Stackpole,Michael Stasheff,Christopher Steakley,John Stephenson,Neal Sterling,Bruce Stirling,S.M. Stross, Charles Stroud,Jonathan Sturgeon,Theodore
Tepper,Sherri Tilley,Patrick Tolkien,J.R.R. Troop,Alan Turtledove,Harry
VanVogot,A.E. Vance,Jack Varley,John Verne,Jules Vinge,Joan D. Vinge,Vernor
Watt-Evans,Lawrence Weber,David Weis,Margaret & Hickman Wells,H.G. Wentworth,K.D. West,Michelle White,Steve Whyte,Jack Wilbur,Smith Wilhelm,Kate Wilks,Eileen Williams,Tad Williamson,Michael Z. Wilson,Colin Wingrove,David Wolfe,Gene Wrede,Patricia C. Wurts,Janny
Yarbro,Chelsea Quinn Yolen,Jane
Zahn,Timothy Zelazny,Roger
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