Walter Watts
Posts: 1571 Reputation: 8.61 Rate Walter Watts
Just when I thought I was out-they pull me back in
virus: a little square-dancing in front of the pulpit
« on: 2003-01-30 00:13:48 » |
There are about 10 steps between myself and the virtual door to this virtual "church". I'm beginning to wonder how we "fit" the definition of a church.
Anyhoo, I've taken about 2 of those 10 steps toward the door.
Not that anyone cares, (although I'm QUITE sure some do!) ;-'>
Walter PS1 <I might just be doing a little square-dancing in front of the pulpit, too.>
PS2 <<I'm the kind of person who does his finger-pointing from an Apache gunship, HIGH above the battlefield and AFTER all allies on said battlefield are withdrawn and moved to a friendlier venue. Hell, sometimes I just carpet bomb the battlefield from high altitude just to make the rubble bounce DANGER, DANGER, Will Robinson>>
PS3 <<<The point is, I don't shit where I'm TRYING to eat!!!! And I'm sure as FUCK losing my appetite around here>>>
--------------------------------------------------------------------- church
church (chűrch) noun Abbr. c., C., ch., Ch.
1.A building for public, especially Christian worship. 2.Often Church a. The company of all Christians regarded as a mystic spiritual body. b. A specified Christian denomination: the Presbyterian Church. c. A congregation. 3.Public divine worship in a church; a religious service: goes to church at Christmas and Easter. 4.The clerical profession; clergy. 5.Ecclesiastical power as distinguished from the secular: the separation of church and state. 6.Christian Science. “The structure of Truth and Love” (Mary Baker Eddy).
verb, transitive churched, church·ing, church·es To conduct a church service for, especially to perform a religious service for (a woman after childbirth).
adjective Of or relating to the church; ecclesiastical.
[Middle English chirche, from Old English cirice, ultimately from Medieval Greek kurikon, from Late Greek kuriakon (doma), the Lord's (house), from Greek kuriakos, of the lord, from kurios, lord.]
Excerpted from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition Copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V., further reproduction and distribution restricted in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.
Walter Watts Tulsa Network Solutions, Inc.
"No one gets to see the Wizard! Not nobody! Not no how!"
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