> From:
> Darwin's Cathedral: Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of Society
> By David Sloan Wilson. University of Chicago Press, 1427 East 60th
> Street Chicago, IL 60637, 2002, 268 pp., ISBN 0-226-90134-3, Hardback,
> $25.00
> Reviewed by Kevin MacDonald, Department of Psychology, California
> State University-Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840-0901 [Email:
> kmacd@c...]. Forthcoming in the Human Ethology Bulliten.
> David Sloan Wilson is something of a quixotic figure in the field of
> evolutionary approaches to human affairs. For most of his professional
> life he has battled what has become a rigid orthodoxy against
> seemingly hopeless odds. The orthodoxy is that natural selection
> operates more or less exclusively at the individual level, and that
> natural selection between groups is a trivial phenomenon that has not
> left any important mark on the architecture of the human mind or on
> human history. It is a topic that the vast majority of evolutionists
> simply relegate to unquestioned dogma-their eyes glazing over at its
> mere mention. After all, it was the seeming resolution of the debate
> over individual versus group selection that gave rise to the
> revolution in evolutionary biology of the 1960s and 1970s. We're
> talking basic, bedrock theory here-an area where changes are not to be
> taken lightly. And if the past is any indication, the continued life
> of this orthodoxy will not change with the publication of Darwin's
> Cathedral. But, if so, it won't be because the arguments and data
> compiled by Wilson are not compelling. In any case, Wilson is
> confident of the future of groups in evolutionary thought: "I believe
> that future generations will be amazed at the degree to which groups
> were made to disappear as adaptive units of life in the minds of
> intellectuals during the second half of the twentieth century" (p.
> 46). I can only agree wholeheartedly.
This idea has been propounded before, rather persuasively, in Howard
> ----------.
> Regards
> Jonathan
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