> [Casey]
> How is he hating and attacking a race? By posting an article from
> David Duke? Heh! Well, my friend, some of the authors you've chosen
> to post to the BBS, while not having past ties to white supremacists,
> do harbor feelings of contempt for Muslims. Which is something similar
> to what Duke was declaring in his essay.
> Mind you, I'm not a fan of David Duke, nor Osama, nor Bush, nor Blair,
> nor Sharon, etc. etc. etc. But, that does not prevent me from
> reading what they've got to say; examine the contents; and, then
> interpret those contents.
> Whether, or not, those contents apply to me is irrelevant. Alabaster
> has just as much right to post to this forum as you or I do.
> [Joe quoting Alabaster]
> The Jews have gone way beyond way too far and they just keep going
> further.
> They have created this hate and they deserve to feel it...far, far
> worse than they have.
> They lead us to ruin and world war. The idea that the Jews are
> scapegoats is truly one of the most laughable, and disturbing, of
> propagandistic victories in the 20th century.
> How the Jews and philo-semites convince the world that the Jews never
> do anything bad to anyone is a veritable masterstroke of aggressive
> deceit.
> The Jews aren't scapegoats, and they never have been scapegoats.
> They are simply some of the worst people on the planet.
> [Casey]
> We've gone over the history behind the creation of Israel countless
> times. We know that Israel is a country that was created to be a
> Jewish state; in a land whose inhabitants were, and are, predominantly
> Muslim.
> Jewish terrorist groups have had a hand in dealing their own fate.
> We've gone over this before. Lands were taken from the Arab
> population; whom were forced to move from their homes in response to
> attacks from Jewish terrorist groups (circa late 40's). It's
> continuing today with the settlements in the West Bank.
> I'm not sure about you...but, if someone forced me off my land;
> effectively telling me that those lands were meant for another people
> (after my family had lived on that land for many generations) then I,
> too, might be compelled to do anything and everything I can to make
> that aggressor group feel my wrath.
> With that said, it's a sad commentary on geopolitics when one group of
> people can effectively force another group of people off their land.
> What's worse is that it was looked upon with approval by the west.
> Of course, this created the kindling necessary to start the fires of
> animosity towards those western nations and, perhaps, western culture.
> After 5 decades of living in squalor, without a formal government
> in place to represent a people; we are seeing the results of
> mismanagement on a global scale.
How is he hating and attacking a race?
He says that the Jews have NEVER been a scapegost; has he forgotten
what the Nazis did to them, or is he a Holocaust-denier, as well? and
when he says that the Jews (NOT the Israelis) are some of the worst
people on the planet, that is race-hatred, pure and simple. Are you
fucking BLIND?
> Finally, I see you not critiquing a religious ideology; rather, you
> post articles/essays/etc of other peoples work. So, how exactly are
> you critiquing a religious ideology?
I have posted before that Wahhabist Islam is the most violent virulent
offshoot of an already-historically-violent patriarchal monotheism
memeplex; I am posting other peoples' (academics and reporters) work
for those who are interested in keeping up with the news and academic
theory in the area - and those people do exist onlist, because they are
reading the articles.
> Kind regards,
> Casey
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