Just when I thought I was out-they pull me back in
STS 125 SRB Camera Replay-You gotta watch this one!
« on: 2009-05-21 17:55:36 »
STS 125 SRB Camera Replay
You gotta watch this one! ALL OF IT!
It's the view from a camera mounted on Atlantis's solid rocket booster(s).
Note the little yellow counter in the upper right corner of the screen that counts down seconds:
approx. 120 seconds: SRB separation (stay with the video and you'll get to ride the spent solid rocket booster all the way back down to the Atlantic ocean!) approx. 400 seconds: you will see a parachute at the top of the screen quickly followed by splashdown in the beautiful blue Atlantic.
After all that, there are yet several MORE videos from OTHER cameras placed on the large external tank, the orbiter itself, etc. There are cameras ALL over the freegin' place
NOTE: on the THIRD video, they pointed the camera on the other SRB down instead of up as in the first video, so at approx. 400 seconds into that one (approx. 18 minutes into the WHOLE YouTube video) you see the Atlantic ocean looming large instead of looking up at the parachute and sky. Brilliant!!
« Last Edit: 2009-05-21 19:13:31 by Walter Watts »