Andrew Newberg, Michael Persinger and others are those who are trying_ today_ to proof that religious awareness, ystic experiences, meditations, faith, GOD himself are just quite simply put; and no more, cluttered patterns of brainactivity. The above mentioned conclusion is quite discenchant, a radical point of view and a bridge way to far for most sceptic; for those who find that neuroscience commits itself far too deep; goes too far in its attempts to ascribe it all to the working of the brain. And what is left, if such inquiry brings in any result, what do we really learn about the marvels of overwhelming experiences !? And what does it say about the value of religion and faith for somebody or for somebody's life !? Does it provoke any controversy !? Do we know !?
But not all scientists are in for making morality or religion suspect, for ending the reighn, they don 't wanna proof that mystic is self- denial and figments of one's imagination or that any kind of morality is a bad faith. Neuroscientists don't wanna make a clear sweep, but choose how the brain makes such phenemenon possible. And that goes as equally for morality as for religion. More knowledge about the chemics inside the brain doesn 't mean such behavior is there to disappear. On the contrary ! They are part of the brain- landscape ! What we need is knowledge about those regions of the brain which are tight to our sense of Self- perception and Self- awareness. It's about to get up !
For a brief moment scientists in Belgium wre capable of disconnecting one's selfperception from his body. (See New England Journal). And what began as a particular stimulation of the brain of a patient who had pain in the ears, ended up in a country- wide string of confusion. But why is this so sudden of dazzling interest for so many people !? Because we are apperently capable of disconnecting body and soul ! On command ! Things of heaven, right back to the bottom ! And what about GOd !? Test- subjects in Persingers experiments don '( say that they saw or even experienced God, but point out that they had the feeling that ' something ' was present. If somebody is completely blocked from all possible stimuli; if you suppress completely somebody's self- perception, you can create a kind of phantom- perception of himself. That is the new explanation today. Infinitely tighter and luch less circumstantial. To grow one with nature ( meditation) or becoming one with ( any) God, two things must happen inside the brain. The boundary between you and the environment have to become blur of indistant. That happens inside the part of the brain that plays an active role in the oreintation of yourself in space. But that isn 't enough. The region that provides self- perception must become less active. The region close by, the one where with you perceive your personal ' NOT-SELF ' has to become more. That evokes the feeling to perceive something else than yourself. That something else can than we seen/ felt as God or Jahweh, or as an image of refuge, it depends largely on the kind of culture you are born and raised in. So in a sense, it tells us that you don 't need God to snatch him all together.
God is a magic phantom- perception of your own NOT-SELF. That doesn't proove a bit that GOd exist or not, it only says that his existence isn 't a becessity to perceive him after all. Current scientific expereince is thus capable of creating a divine feeling without God existing! Neat !
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999