Can Darwins theory of natural selection produce good poetry !?
The American website- designer David Rea hopes it does .He designed a website
where a computer generates poems by choosing words at random and place those
one next to the other.
Readers can/ may than decide which words are the most convenient to ' survive ' and
those words are getting connected once more with eachother at random.
Rea at his site :- " If there are enough generations passed, and the genepool is
rich enough, than in the end there must arise a kind of interesting poetry ! "
But is that possible, good poetry by natural selection !?
Tree Swenson, director of the Academy of American Poets is sceptical.
" It is everything but the way a poet works !"
Rea didn 't designed his site just for the sake of getting beautiful poetry. He was
trying to impress a girl.
The Darwinian poetry project can be found at, !