Re: RE virus: More bush democracy

From: Erik Aronesty (
Date: Thu Mar 04 2004 - 18:42:36 MST

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "Re: RE virus: More bush democracy"

    1, Is it possible that they are wealthy *because* they have strong democracies?

    2. If it wasn't for the internet and heavy pressure by activist groups, Diebold would have gone unreported. Our government is something the people now struggle against every day. Nonprofit advocacy groups and nonprofit charities do more domestic work than our government foes - at a fraction of the cost.

    3. Your point was moot. The US is (was?) in a unique position of power and weath. It can afford to build a democracy that no other nation can.

    4. You said “homogenous” ... If you were not referring to race then to what were you referring?

    5. The US has killed more people in the name of justice and God than any other nation inthe last 100 years. We're just very, very good at making sure we have good excuses.

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