RE: RE virus: More bush democracy

From: Blunderov (
Date: Thu Mar 04 2004 - 15:16:57 MST

  • Next message: Kharin: "Re:RE virus: More bush democracy"

    Jonathan Davis
    Sent: 04 March 2004 01:40 PM
    I think foreign policy of virtually every state is rightly about
    self-interest (yes, even Sweden and Switzerland).
    Yes, but to what extent is it permissible to pursue self interest?
    Someone, it may have been Churchill, once remarked that 'War is foreign
    policy by other means'.

    If war is in the interest of a particular state is it ok to just go for
    it irrespective of the circumstances?

    The Limbic whom I know and respect is not, as far as I know, a proponent
    of 'might is right'. I feel reasonably certain that we can agree that
    war is an order of magnitude different to plain old foreign policy and
    that Churchill (if it was he) was overstating the case.

    So, perhaps persons who criticize a pragmatic foreign policy and who
    simultaneously criticize a pragmatic war are not being inconsistent;
    they are talking about two different things. The fact that both
    decisions are 'pragmatic' does not necessarily make them equally
    virtuous surely?

    Best regards.

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