Re: Re:virus: this is the world we live in...death comes in threes

From: Archibald Scatflinger (
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 04:16:51 MDT

> [TransdimensionalElf 1] I want to know what you guys think of my view on

I didnt write this.

> [Hermit 4] It is apparent that you "believe" in it.Belief can only occur
where acceptance is not compelled, for if acceptance is compelled, then
belief is not required to accept that thing. Belief is thus the acceptance
of some thing as being provisionally true where:[*] contradictory evidence
exists which throws doubt upon or compels the rejection of the thing being
accepted as truth.

I believe in belief.

> [Hermit 4] In order to provide a rational basis for considering this
concept as anything other than a perceptual tool with no mapping to reality,
so prerequisites appear deficient. I would suggest a starting point would be
to describe what deficiency in current theory the concept is intended to
address, an indication of evidence or reasoning which compels the
consideration of this concept, and note that suggestions of how it might it
might be disproved would greatly strengthen your case.

I wasnt trying to provide a rational basis for anything. Someone asked my
opinion and I offered my thoughts and ideas based on my personnal

> [TransdimensionalElf 1] Our minds, have a sort of higher form.. kinda like
what Christians, along with other religions would call your "soul." Since
we are all connected through this one being... well... if you really want to
call it a being... more of a higher form of "reality" that our minds are
connected through... a collective conscience.... telepathy should be a
possible form of communication.

I dont know why you think I wrote this.

> [TransdimensionalElf 1] I hear of people reaching this higher form while
talking drugs such as shrooms and acid, or in a deep form of meditation....
although, as it has been said, that could just be an illusion.

Or this.

> [TransdimensionalElf 1] If you havent noticed ;P I'm kind of a "clutter
fuck" as someone once called me. I guess you could say I'm on a quest to
rid myself of views that have been pushed onto me from society, but as a lot
of you probably know, that is one complicated task... so if some of this
makes no sense to you, it was all written as I thought it.

In fact I dont recall writing this either.

> [TransdimensionalElf 1] I kind of like writing without real structure,
just writing thoughts... I think you can learn more about someone that way,
and how their mind works. Anyways... I'm going to stop rambling.

Or this.

> [Hermit 4] I miss your justification for why you believe this to be true,
to such an extent that you consider your belief to be justified sufficiently
to be considered rational, when my experience and observation is that it is
only when people attempt to support their beliefs and "views that have been
pushed onto" them "from society" (and even more from family and genes), that
they examine those beliefs sufficiently clearly to be able to begin to
differentiate between belief and reasonable acceptance and sort the data
sufficiently well to be able to detect the difference between evidence "what
the dog ate" vs. assertion "the dog ate my homework."
> [Hermit 4] Rambling is not in and of itself bad, it is however sometimes
indicative of not having thought through ones positions sufficiently well to
form rational opinions.

My opinion is you werent paying close enough attention to what you were
reading to notice that i didnt write two thirds of that stuff. But your
right i probably do need to do some more thinking.

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