Re: Re:virus: this is the world we live in...death comes in threes

From: Archibald Scatflinger (
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 04:02:38 MDT

Well put.

> And yet, right around the corner, one level of dilation away, there is a
> totally ineffable level of experience available to all; it is only in the
> explanation that it dies. Psychedelics have a potentially profound place
> our po-mo pre-fu culture. But, as is indicated by the dynamics, and the
> current state of our culture, the iconography, superstition, primitive
> explanations and boring spirit-of-the-plant archetypes which make up much
> the modern psychedelic (or should I say psycholytic) scene, and I here
> not to the serious petitioners and researchers but to the trance-hippy and
> new-age safely metaphysical types in particular, are no longer all too
> relevant. We do not need a classical shamanically centred community, a
> system of rules of experiential reproduction, an immutable set of memes
> which to blunt the mystery; rather, we need to view psychedelics, and the
> experiences they provide, in our own ways. We need to develop our own
> concepts with which to approach the interface between mind and
> we need to tell these viruses how best to infect us. And, most of all, we
> need to take responsibility for our infections.
> This, more than any other thing, is what psychedelics taught me. Still
> its cheating?
> Take care and control.
> bricoleur

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