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[Hermit|VectorHermit] Would you say that a child who accidently knocked over a tin of paint had "'created' a mess" or would you say "he made a mess"? How about a painter? Would you say he "made a work of art" or would you say he "created a work of art"? What is the difference between these phrases? Do you see all the above as correct, idiomatic usage?
[Hermit|VectorHermit] If, all things are "created" and there is no difference implied in the process of "creation" and other words like "make" and "happened" and "instantiated", e.g. there is no difference between an intentful action (e.g. creating a meaningful message) and an unconsidered side effects (e.g. "creating" a puddle of coffee) we have to ask why the word "created" exists?
+I had a different vote in mind. Regional differences are not relevant to how we define "create" for the CoV, so there is no need for two votes.
+*Category: doctrine:lexicon
+*Title: Acceptable usage of "create"
+*Question: Which of the following statements use the term "create" correctly? (important: the truth of the statement is not at issue here) Refer http://virus.lucifer.com/wiki/create
+*Selection: multiple
+*Option 1: God created the universe.
+*Option 2: The universe was created in the big bang.
+*Option 3: The dog was not very create.
+*Option 4: The child accidently created a mess.
+*Option 5: The sand dunes were created by the wind.
+*Option 6: She created a great work of art.
+*Option 7: The create is quite large.
+*Class: informational
+*Closes: Indefinite. Anytime after 60% or greater of equity polled.
+*Application: The vote results will determine the primary meaning of "Create|Creation" in the Virian lexicon. If the majority of equity finds the uses without intent unacceptable, the definition will reflect that restriction, otherwise it will not. If the majority of equity accepts an obviously incorrect option, the vote will be null and void.
+*Restricted: Unrestricted. All Virians.