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[VirianWiki]:[WikiHints] !!!Hints for effective use of the Virian Wiki [WorkInProgress] ---- Think about how people are going to find the page you are creating. What category does it fall under? Create a [Cookie Trail|cookietrail] which will add your page to the index. Consider adding additional links below the [Cookie Trail|cookietrail] and before the Page Title. Make the Page Title meaningful. Remember that [White Space|whitespace] is your - and your reader's friend. To delete a page, simply erase all the contents and then select [[Save]. If you have difficulty with formatting, try toggling the state of the wildly unpredictable "Use new markup" checkbox before saving and see if that helps. Remember that you can add [AdminAttention] <Reason> to any page in order to request attention. !!Some useful [WikiExpressions] [[Google! | !Google:<word to find>] [Google! | Google:word to find] <?''''plugin !BackLinks?> Provides a list of pages linking to the page on which it is inserted.
Last edited on Tuesday, September 2, 2003 1:19:58 pm.
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