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[VirianPolicy]:[VirianCouncil] [VirianLexicon] !!!Virian Council [VoteCalledFor] ---- The mainly fictious group of people that control the ChurchOfVirus. They are currently establishing a [Policy|VirianPolicy] in #viruspolicy ---- !! Current Membership *DavidLucifer [Prime Vector|VirianPrimeVector] [AdminAttention] Fill in the blanks before voting, or wait until afterwards? *[ArchVector|VirianArchVector] 1 *[ArchVector|VirianArchVector] 2 *[ArchVector|VirianArchVector] 3 *[ArchVector|VirianArchVector] 4 *[ArchVector|VirianArchVector] 5 *[ArchVector|VirianArchVector] 6 !!Intent *The intent of forming the [VirianCouncil] is to have a group of people, to deal with all matters where privacy requirements means that confidentiality is required, and who are willing to apply their time, effort and brainpower to finding, furthering and funding the goals of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus]. The watchwords of the [VirianCouncil] are "Consensus" and "Responsibility". *The [VirianCouncil] will work to maximize the benefits of membership of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus] and to developing, advocating and implementing mechanisms to achieve her [goals|VirianGoals]. !!Structure *The Head of the [VirianCouncil] shall be the [PrimeVector|VirianPrimeVector]. *The [PrimeVector|VirianPrimeVector] shall appoint 6 [Virian Luminaries|VirianLuminary] to the [VirianCouncil]. These [VirianCouncil] Members shall be called [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector]. *The [PrimeVector|VirianPrimeVector] shall have the capacity to appoint replacement [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector] from the ranks of the [Virian Luminaries|VirianLuminary] to maintain six [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector] at all times. This task may be delegated by the [PrimeVector|VirianPrimeVector]. Should there be insufficient [Virian Luminaries|VirianLuminary], then members of the [VirianCongregation] may be selected instead. !!Appointments and Resignations *[ArchVectors|VirianArchVector] must agree to their nomination to the [VirianCouncil]. *On joining the [VirianCouncil], [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector] are deemed to have submitted an undated letter of resignation which may be effected at any time by a vote of the other [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector]. No [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector] shall be eligable to vote in the matter of implementing their own resignation. *[ArchVectors|VirianArchVector] agree to practice the [Virian Virtues|VirianVirtues], and agree to shun the [Senseless Sins|SenselessSins]. *Resignations become effective immediately upoon acceptance by a vote of the [VirianCouncil]. *Resignations are dealt with before all other matters other than points of order. !!Eligibility *Should any member of the [VirianCouncil]'s [reputation|VirianReputation] drop below that required to qualify as a [Virian Luminary|VirianLuminary], the [VirianCouncil] shall be entitled to instantiate that [ArchVector's|VirianArchVector] resignation by a simple vote. *Should any [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector] not maintain their franchise on [Meridion], this shall entitle the [VirianCouncil] to implement that [ArchVector's|VirianArchVector] resignation by a simple vote. *[ArchVector|VirianArchVector] shall have the responsibility of attending or presenting their apologies, at all IRC meetings called by the [VirianCouncil], and shall vote in all votes established by the [VirianCouncil]. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings of the [VirianCouncil] or to fail to vote or appoint a proxy in three consecutive votes, shall entitle the [VirianCouncil] to instantiate that [ArchVector's|VirianArchVector] resignation by a simple vote. !!Modus *All votes and motions of the [VirianCouncil] shall require 4 votes to be carried. *[VirianCouncil] pronouncements are collective. When the [VirianCouncil] speaks to the members of the CoV or others, it speaks with one voice. The intent of the collective persona is to make all [VirianCouncil] decisions anonymous, both to avoid personality conflicts on the list, and to avoid power seeking behavior on the part of [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector]. !!Confidentiality *[VirianCouncil] proceedings are confidential unless and until the [VirianCouncil] decides otherwise on a case-by-case basis. Any [ArchVector|VirianArchVector] may veto a breach of confidentiality. [VirianCouncil] proceedings shall be confidential as they may deal with matters that could cause harm or distress if they were to become public. *All [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector] agree to maintain the confidentiality of [VirianCouncil] business and that of anything learned, including information about other [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector] or [Virians|Virian] while a member of the [VirianCouncil] under penalty of [Disciplinary Action|DisciplinaryProcess]. *Members of the [VirianCouncil] shall be entitled to discuss [VirianCouncil] proceedings with their significant others, once their significant other has agreed to absolute confidentiality (the sole exception being with other [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector]). !!Prescribed Bussiness and Responsibilities *The [VirianCouncil] shall have the responsibility of establishing the requirements to qualify as a member of the [Virian Congregation|VirianCongregation] and the [reputation level|VirianReputation] level required to qualify as a [VirianVector|VirianVector]. *The [VirianCouncil] shall appoint and manage a Secretary, Treasurer and such other functionaries as may be required, to set terms of employment or consultation including remuneration where this applies, to define and oversee job descriptions, and shall have the required powers to accomplish such funtions as disclosed in this document, including the power to indemnify themselves, employees and consultants as deemed appropriate by the [VirianCouncil]. *The [VirianCouncil] shall have the power to set rules of access and terms of service for facilities provided by the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus]. *The [VirianCouncil] shall have the power to appoint [Reconciliation Committees|ReconciliationCommittee], to establish [Disciplinary Processes|DisciplinaryProcess] and to take [Disciplinary Actions|DisciplinaryAction]. *The [VirianCouncil] reserves the right to determine what material is associated with the Church of Virus. *The [VirianCouncil] reserves the right to permit other entities to display an "Approved by the Church of Virus" emblem, to control the form that such use may take, and to revoke such permissions at its discretion. !!Delegation and Revocation of Powers The [VirianCouncil] is the curator of all trademarks, tangible and intangible property, intellectual and real property rights of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus], is fully capable of contracting, acquiring and disposing of assets and may take whatever steps it deems necessary to safeguard the assets of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus] including the delegation of the administration, fruits or costs of ownership at its pleasure. Specifically: The [VirianCouncil] is authorized to transact on behalf of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus] for any business, which a quorum of the [VirianCouncil] determines to be legitimate business of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus]. In particular, the [VirianCouncil] is authorized to: *Formalize the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus] as a religion, non-profit body or such other body as it determines is appropriate. *Create bank accounts, negotiate financing and establish insurance policies for the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus]. *Appoint accountants, auditors, lawyers or other professionals or service providers to act on behalf of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus]. *Transact whatever business is required on the part of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus], including the institution and defense of actions. *Raise funds on behalf of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus]. *Solicit donations, loans or investments on behalf of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus]. *Establish relationships with other organizations. *Establish public (preferred) or private (in order to be able to archive copyrighted materials) document repositories on behalf of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus]. *Establish such supplementary organizational and business rules as are required to operate the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus] effectively. *Act to protect the Intellectual or other property of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus]. *Invest in property on behalf of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus]. The [VirianCouncil] is responsible for providing accounting to anyone with a legitimate interest, including all [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector], of all financial activities undertaken by the [VirianCouncil]. Such accounting will be available to the above at all times, in electronic format. Any action by any [VirianCouncil] requiring the investment of more than 30% of the funds held by that council will be put to the [VirianCouncil] as a vote. No funds held by the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus] shall be disbursed without the approval of the Treasurer or person or persons nominated as alternative by the Treasurer. The [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus] agrees to indemnify all [ArchVectors|VirianArchVector] from all and any claims against them for actions made in good faith on behalf of the [Church of Virus|ChurchOfVirus]. The [VirianCouncil] may establish subsidiary or associated organizations and may set the conditions under which those susidiaries or associated organizations may operate. The [VirianCouncil] may unilaterally establish powers delegated to subsidiary or associated organizations and may alter such conditions from time to time as it sees fit. The [VirianCouncil] has the unilateral capability of revoking powers of delegation granted by it, by means of a vote of the [VirianCouncil]. Such revocation of delegated powers shall be effective at the time designated by the [VirianCouncil]. ---- Discussion [VirianCouncil-2003-09-02]
Last edited on Sunday, October 5, 2003 3:27:36 am.
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