Since MoonUnit started hanging out on the #virus channel, the IRC users were annoyed by bots wandering in and out all the time. As a quick fix I changed the bots so that they will not use an exit if the exit has a noBots property set to 1. This can also be used to lock bots into certain areas if there is only one exit from the area, such as floors in the tower accessible only from the elevator.
Your home is where your character goes when you disconnect. You can also teleport home with the @home command. When your character is first created, your home is the lobby. If you don't want to sleep in public you will have to find a new home. Here's how.
First find a place to dig a new room. There are plenty of empty floors accessible from the elevator which is east and north of the lobby. Pick a random floor (currently 2-69 should work). I picked 56 for this example:
You get off on the 56th floor You enter the room. 56th floor You see nothing special.
If you type "help @dig" you will see this:
topic: @dig Syntax: @dig <n|s|e|w|ne|se|nw|sw|u|d> to <room> This command is a very handy shortcut for "digging" a series of rooms. You supply the direction from the current room to the new room, and either the name of a new room to create, or a reference to an existing room. This function then creates the new room (if needed), an exit from your current room to the new one, and a reciprocal exit from the new room back to the one you're in. Each exit is given a full name and the standard one- or two-letter alias, and all objects are placed in the proper location. This is the recommended method for adding rooms to a MOOP database. Examples: @dig n to Balcony @dig sw to #57
From here if you go north you will go back to the elevator, so it makes sense to dig east or west to a room.
>@dig e to 5601 CreditError in line 25 of <dig> : 100 credits needed for object creation.
Oops! No credits. We will have to bum some off of someone else:
>@page Lucifer with Hey, gimme some cash! Message sent. Lucifer gives you 1000 credits.
Cool, now we can try again:
>@dig e to 5601 5601 created as object #422 and moved to #12 (Universe) Exit east created in 56th floor as object #423 Exit west created in 5601 as object #424
>e You go east. You enter the room. 5601 You see nothing special.
Only one more thing to do to make this our new home...
>@set home This is now your home.
Super. Now we just have to set the description, maybe do a bit of decorating, then invite some people over for a housewarming party.
I added a new command: "userlist". It is like "who" but gives information on all users, not just the ones logged in at the time.
userlist >There are 2 users currently connected: Name Location On Idle ---- -------- ----------- ----------- Lucifer [#2] Lucifer's Den [#43] 0h 22m 46s 0h 0m 0s MoonUnit [#233] #moo channel [#234] 47h 58m 46s 0h 1m 14s Bolverker [#25] BolHiem [#76] last active: 0d 5h ago Mermaid [#45] Mermaids Cove [#52] last active: 0d 6h ago Shadow [#173] 13th floor [#199] last active: 1d 8h ago Ophis [#181] Lobby [#13] last active: 4d 1h ago Lukian [#55] Lobby [#13] last active: 4d 2h ago Skipper [#196] Lobby [#13] last active: 6d 1h ago guest [#91] Lobby [#13] last active: 6d 1h ago staphx [#187] Lobby [#13] last active: 8d 22h ago Kalkor [#182] Lobby [#13] last active: 9d 22h ago