@@ -109,59 +109,47 @@ ''Table 5: Ordered by Knowledge of X''
|External Truth|Process|Internal Truth|Case|Assertion
|0|0|0.8|14|Bob would say X is true if asked.
|0|0|0.6|15|Bob would say X is true if asked and he had no reason to lie.
|0|-0.6|1|6|Bob holds X to be true.
|0|0|1|4|Bob believes X.
|0|0|1|13|Bob claims that X.
|0|0|1|16|Bob behaves as if X is true.
|0.2|0|0.2|9|Bob would bet on X.
|0.2|0|0.4|10|Bob would bet $100 on X.
|0.2|0|0.6|11|Bob would bet his house on X.
|0.2|0|0.8|12|Bob would bet his life on X.
|0.4|0|0.4|19|Bob could infer X from other facts he thinks are true.
|0.6|0|0.4|18|Bob would infer X from other facts he thinks are true.
|0.6|0.6|0.6|3|Bob thinks that X.
|0.6|0.6|0.6|5|Bob considers X to be true.
|0.8|0.8|0.8|7|Bob categorizes X as true.
|0.8|0.6|0.8|8|Bob knows X.
|0.8|0|0.8|17|Bob infers X from other facts he thinks are true.
|1|0|0|2|X is true.
''Table 6: Ordered by Perception of X''
|External Truth|Process|Internal Truth|Case|Assertion
|1|0|0|2|X is true.
|0.6|0|0.4|18|Bob would infer X from other facts he thinks are true.
|0.4|0|0.4|19|Bob could infer X from other facts he thinks are true.
|0|0|0.6|15|Bob would say X is true if asked and he had no reason to lie.
|0.2|0|0.2|9|Bob would bet on X.
|0.2|0|0.4|10|Bob would bet $100 on X.
|0.2|0|0.6|11|Bob would bet his house on X.
|0.6|0.6|0.6|3|Bob thinks that X.
|0.6|0.6|0.6|5|Bob considers X to be true.
|0|0|0.8|14|Bob would say X is true if asked.
|0.2|0|0.8|12|Bob would bet his life on X.
|0.8|0.8|0.8|7|Bob categorizes X as true.
|0.8|0.6|0.8|8|Bob knows X.
|0.8|0|0.8|17|Bob infers X from other facts he thinks are true.
|0|-0.6|1|6|Bob holds X to be true.
|0|0|1|4|Bob believes X.
|0|0|1|13|Bob claims that X.
|0|0|1|16|Bob behaves as if X is true.
''Table 7: Ordered by Usefulness of Perception''
@@ -173,20 +161,16 @@ |0.6|0.6|0.6|5|Bob considers X to be true.
|0.6|0.6|0.6|3|Bob thinks that X.
|0.6|0|0.4|18|Bob would infer X from other facts he thinks are true.
|0.4|0|0.4|19|Bob could infer X from other facts he thinks are true.
|0.2|0|0.8|12|Bob would bet his life on X.
|0.2|0|0.6|11|Bob would bet his house on X.
|0.2|0|0.4|10|Bob would bet $100 on X.
|0.2|0|0.2|9|Bob would bet on X.
|0|0|0.6|15|Bob would say X is true if asked and he had no reason to lie.
|0|0|0.8|14|Bob would say X is true if asked.
|0|0|1|16|Bob behaves as if X is true.
|0|0|1|13|Bob claims that X.
|0|0|1|4|Bob believes X.
|0|-0.6|1|6|Bob holds X to be true.
|1|0|0|2|X is true.