@@ -1,6 +1,87 @@-The FirstHost of the ChurchOfVirus, aka DavidMcFadzean
+The FirstHost of the ChurchOfVirus, founder of [Lucifer Media|http://www.lucifermedia.com] and owner/operator of [lucifer.com|http://www.lucifer.com]
] has just been edited by [ElvenSage] because [ElvenSage] is one cool [MotherFucker]!!!
+aka DavidMcFadzean and
...and we
all know
that people who FuckTheirMothers
are really fucking COOL
of Z
+Day job: working on ArtificialIntelligence for [Adaptive AI Inc.|http://www.adaptiveai.com].
+Interests: [AI], [complexity], information markets, EvolutionaryPsychology, building internet communities ... the common thread seems to be everything to do with increasing [intelligence].
+Finished reading: AgainstTheGods, TheBlankSlate, TheNewInquisition, FreedomEvolves, TheGoldenAge, TheRoadToSerfdom
+Currently reading:
+Next up: ThePowerOfMyth, TheOriginOfSatan, ScienceAndSanity
+Favourite books: TBA
+Working on: [The Game of Being]
+todo list...
+PascalsWager, TuringTest, PikeTest, MinimizeRegret, PancriticalRationalism, OnObjectivism, SashaChislenko, CellularAutomata, DigitalPhysics, DataCompression, CriticalThinking, OutOfControl, DarwinsDangerousIdea, CalvinAndHobbes, [Nomic], BayesTheorem, GameTheory, DecisionTheory, PrisonersDilemma, ChineseRoom, [transhumanism], NeuroLinguisticProgramming, OnSuicide, ArtificialLife, VirusNomicon, RecommendedBooks, TheIdeosphere, VirianMilestones
+...always mount a scratchmonkey
+A thing is defined by its pattern.
+A pattern is a logical set of features.
+Something exists if its pattern is instantiated in mass
and/or energy.
+Reality is the set of
all things that exist.
+A system is a pattern that has components
that are causally connected
+A control systems is a system that transforms input patterns into output patterns.
+Input patterns
(impressions, perceptions) are created from the system's environment via physical transducers.
+Output patterns (expressions, actions) affect the system's environment via physical transducers.
+An agent is a control system that acts as a sequential decision maker.
+An agent uses knowledge and values to derive actions.
+Knowledge and values are patterns internal to the agent.
+All and only agents have minds.
+A mind is the set
of active patterns that generate an agent's behaviour.
+An agent is rational to the extent that it has logical consistency in its knowledge, goals and actions.
+Knowledge encodes information about the world (agent + environment
+Knowledge is true to the extent that is accurately models the world.
+Values encode preferences.
+Goals combine knowledge and values to describe desirable future states of the world.
+Game theory provides a good laboratory for studying agents in vastly simplified worlds.
+Ideas, beliefs, actions and agents can be rational or irrational. Everything else is arational.
+A belief is rational if it is consistent with the relevant evidence.
+An action is rational if it is consistent with an agent's knowledge and goals.
+An agent is rational if its beliefs and actions are rational.
+A belief or action is rational if and only if it can be rationally justified.
+A system has free will to the extent that its behaviour is generated endogenously.
+Free will is a property of all and only control systems.
+Reality is astronomically more complex than any individual mind (in other words, the environment contains many orders of magnitude more information than the agent).
+Agents deal with the complexity of their environment by forming abstractions or "useful fictions" that discard most information to extract the salient features from the environment.
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