If you know something the Church needs to have done, list it here.
If you see something on this list you'd like to volunteer to do,
please claim it by putting your name on the item. (Please don't delete tasks, just de-prioritize them and change their status, and progress %)
(List something, OK?)
If you are available to do stuff for the Church, please volunteer here:
(Volunteer please?)
Volunteers: Kid-A, Flux, Mermaid?, Zet-Or?
We need more volunteers, sign up today for the ride of your life.
Template: {TaskID/Wiki name}, {further} description {if needed}, {further details}, {not} under progress {progress %}, {by {name/s}} {link/s:}
Improve tasks template / structure: under progress - 60-80%, by Flux, ChurchOfVirus/Tasks
Inform Virians of this page: under progress, 16-70%, inform via BBS, help wanted, started by Flux
Convert notes to tasks: under progress, 8-12%, , further help cool, in progress by Flux, Zet-Or
CoVRecomendedMedia: under progress (probably 'endless'), Kid-A
- : not under progress, help wanted!
- CoV Flash animation: not under progress, help wanted!
- 'Virus 'Monthly': progress unknown, help wanted!
- : not under progress, help wanted!
- : not under progress, help wanted!
- Subpages
- Catagories
- Statistics on our opinions, personality disorders, personality types, intelligence, original beliefs, how people found the CoV and what they think about the progress of the CoV, what it can do, what it should do, what it can't do, questions, of opinions... Stats
- Regional IRC chats
- Virus news and entertainment portal
- Invite people to join CoV, create infomation, and introduction pages
- CoV local History, and Humans history, including tech, democracy, materialism, illness
- CoV conversion portfolio
- CoV stories, shorts?
- Wallpaper
- Posters
- Stickers
- Virus theatre
- Publicity stunts
- Celebrity spokesperson
- 'High places' invitation (such as Wired.com...)
- Resources
- Other propagation ideas, etc...