RE: virus: Antigravity propulsion update

From: Blunderov (
Date: Fri Sep 20 2002 - 14:17:32 MDT

I have posted it on the BBS along with some background material on a
related known gravity quirk.;action=display;threadid=2

Thanks for the update. I will be sure to check it out. I am increasingly
fascinated by the subject.

Gravity is a force. Surely it must be amenable to being influenced

Another excerpt from the book describing a German wartime secret weapon
research project that he investigated:


Following his capture, as much as Sporrenberg was able to divulge to
Soviet intelligence and the Polish courts about the Bell was this,
Witkowski said. The project had gone under two codenames:
'Latementrager' and 'Chronos' and always involved 'Die Glocke'- the bell
shaped object that had glowed when under test. The Bell itself was made
out of a hard, heavy metal and was filled with a mercury-like substance,
violet in colour. This metallic liquid was stored in a tall thin thermos
flask a metre high encased in lead three centimetres thick.

The experiments always took place under a thick ceramic cover and
involved the rapid spinning of two cylinders in opposite directions. The
mercury-like substance was codenamed 'Xerum 525'. Other substances used
included thorium and beryllium peroxides, codenamed Leichtmetall.

The chamber in which the experiments took place was situated in a
gallery deep below ground. It had a floor area of approximately 30
square metres and its walls were covered with ceramic tiles with an
overlay of thick rubber matting. After approximately ten tests, the room
was dismantled and its component parts destroyed. Only the Bell itself
was preserved. The rubber mats were replaced every two to three
experiments and were disposed of in a special furnace.

Each test lasted for approximately one minute. During is period, while
the Bell emitted its pale blue glow, personnel were kept 150 to 200
metres from it. Electrical equipment anywhere within this radius would
usually short-circuit or break down. Afterwards, the room was doused for
up to 45 minutes with a liquid that appeared to be brine. The men who
performed this task were concentration camp prisoners from Gross-Rosen

During the tests, the scientists placed various types of plants, animals
and animal tissues in the Bell's sphere of influence. In the initial
test period from November to December 1944, almost all the samples were
destroyed. A crystalline substance formed within the tissues, destroying
them from the inside, liquids, including blood, gelled and separated
into clearly distilled fractions.

Plants exposed to the Bell included mosses, ferns, fungi and moulds;
animal tissues included egg white, blood, meat and milk, the animals
themselves ranged from insects and snails to lizards, frogs, mice and

With the plants, chlorophyll was observed to decompose or disappear,
turning the plants white four to five hours after the experiment. Within
eight to fourteen hours, rapid decay set in, but it differed from normal
decomposition in that there was no accompanying smell. By the end of
this period, the plants had usually decomposed into a substance that had
the consistency of axle grease.

In a second series of experiments that started in January 1945, the
damage to the test subjects was reduced to around 12-15 per cent
following certain modifications to the equipment. This was reduced to
two to three per cent after a second set of refinements. People exposed
to the programme complained of ailments, in spite of their protective
clothing. These ranged from sleep problems, loss of memory and balance,
muscle spasms and a permanent and unpleasant metallic taste in the
mouth. The first team was said to have been disbanded as a result of the
deaths of five of the seven scientists involved.

This, Witkowski said, was all contained in the documents he had been
shown. What impressed him and what I now confessed had me intrigued as
well - was their level of apparent detail. It told him - and me that in
all likelihood something had happened down the mine; something
mysterious. But what? Witkowski insisted that it had all the hallmarks
of an anti-gravity experiment. But 1 wasn't so sure. Before 1 could
begin to believe this was the Holy Grail, 1 needed to tick off a set of
more rational explanations first. And the most glaring of these was the
probability that this had been some kind of test involving nuclear
material. The documents that Witkowski had seen had mentioned the
involvement of Professor Walther Gerlach, the man charged with oversight
of Germany's atomic weapons programmes. Disturbingly, they also cited Dr
Ernst Grawitz, head of the euphemistically labelled SS Medical Service.
Grawitz had been the boss of Josef Mengele, the infamous doctor of
Auschwitz. Inevitably, there were reports that the Bell had been tested
on humans as well. Again, if the Bell had emitted radiation, the Nazis -
given their record on war crimes in this area - would have probably
monitored its effects.

<meta snip>
a mercury-like substance, violet in colour.
</meta snip>
Violet is a mixture of red and blue. Could this have something to do
with the "red mercury" legend?

(BTW apologies to all for the double post. I thought the 1st one had
failed because of the attachment, so I sent one without it.)

Warm regards

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