RE: virus: Memebot-but sooner or later it will be obvious...

Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 01:45:07 MDT

On 13 Sep 2002 at 9:32, Blunderov wrote:

> Archibald Scatflinger
> Sent: 13 September 2002 02:55 AM
> <snip>
> We'll make our own money and give it away at raves...
> <snip>
> [Blunderov]
> I've been wondering why a country that wants to attack the USA would
> want WMD when they most likely already own a mint.
> If you are in a position to make perfect replicas of an enemies
> currency then you could make thousands of billions of dollars worth of
> perfect forgeries and distribute them, free, in large bundles, amongst
> the needy of the Americas and the world.
> Without firing a shot you would undercut the entire economy.
> Meme-war?
> Warm regards
That is why the US has been updating its currency to make it more
impervious to counterfeiting.

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