Re: virus: The return of MerdeMade....

From: Archibald Scatflinger (
Date: Thu Sep 12 2002 - 15:08:07 MDT


> >
> For you to deny your antiamerican sentiments after your sackful of
> antiamerican diatribes is the biggest, sickest lie of all.
> > _________________________________________________________________ Join


Is it worse to be Anti-American or Anti-Human?

If you can't see that all of us live on a small, very delicate, precariously balanced planet, floating in the cold dark vacuum of space, because you are to blinded by American Culture then you won't understand why your American hospitals can't make the pain of cancer go away. And you won't understand what caused cancer and you won't remember that we always have a choice.

There is no difference between military and civilian. Murder is murder.

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