Re:virus: Observer on Palestinian vigilanttes

From: Hermit (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 18:48:48 MDT

[Jonathan Davis] LOL! 5 million refugees who's ancestors went of their own accord to where they are settled now and grew massively.
I'm skipping the bulk of this because you seem sorely in need of background material.

You may find the links from educational and notice:

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 212 (III), November 19, 1948

WHEREAS the problem of the relief of Palestine refugees of all communities in one of immediate urgency and the United Nations Mediator on Palestine in his progress report of 18 September 1948, part Three, states that "action must be taken to determine the necessary measures (of relief) and to provide for their implementation" and that "the choice is between saving the lives of many thousands of people now or permitting them to die'',

WHEREAS the Acting Mediator, in his supplemental report of 18 October 1948, declares that "the situation of the refugees is now critical" and that "aid must not only be continued but very greatly increased if disaster in to be averted",

WHEREAS the alleviation of conditions of starvation and distress among the Palestine refugees is one of the minimum conditions for the success of the efforts of the United Nations to bring peace to that land,

As I noted earlier, your knowledge of the history of this sad saga appears to be extremely lacking...

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