Re:virus: Observer on Palestinian vigilanttes

From: Hermit (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 17:25:56 MDT

[Jonathan Davis 2] Back to the old "you don't know therefore you are wrong". Genocides are hard
to hide. Show me the evidence.

[Hermit 3] I have posted sufficient information to illustrate why Israeli actions should be regarded as genocide.

[Hermit 3] That you do not regard it as genocide is opinion unsupported by fact.

[Jonathan Davis 2] I am not a big one for faith. The last time I looked the Palestinians were rapidly growing in number and actively supporting the mass murder of Israeli civilians.

[Hermit 3] Infant mortality alone tells the story. Figures are deaths per 100'000.Jewish Israeli: 5
Arab Israeli: 9
Arab Occupied Territories: 32+

[Hermit 3] Please note again:Genocidal acts need not kill or cause the death of members of a group. Causing serious bodily or mental harm, prevention of births and transfer of children are acts of genocide when committed as part of a policy to destroy a group’s existence.

[Jonathan Davis 2] That they live in poverty and under tyranny is not unusual. It is the norm for much of the Islamic world.

[Hermit 3] Most of Africa does too. And the point is?

[Hermit 1] The UN seems to be in disgreement with you.

[Jonathan Davis 2] Oh yeah? The UN has says Israel is committing a genocide? Where?

[Hermit 3] e.g. Resolution 1322(2000): Clause 3 ( [quote]Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to abide scrupulously by its legal obligations and its responsibilities under the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949;[/url]

[Hermit 3] It is clear from the above that the Security Council does not regard Israel to be in compliance with its legal obligations and its responsibilities under the Fourth Geneva Convention. Indeed, in clause 1 (supra) the Security Council by a vote of 14 to 0 made it very clear that it was Sharon's desecration of the Haram al-Sharif with the support of Prime Minister Barak that is responsible for the start of the current round of bloodshed and warfare in occupied Palestinian Lands today. Contravention of the Fourth Protocol constitutes genocide as defined in the aforereferenced 1948 convention.

[Hermit 3] Further, the state of Israel accepted the founding of the Palestine and the right of Palestinian refugees to return to Israel. Today there are nearly 5 million of these refugees scattered around the Middle East. If that does not constitute "forcible relocation" then nothing does.

[Hermit 1] Hell, even dubya disagrees with you (sometimes anyway).

[Jonathan Davis 2] Oh yeah? The Dubya has said Israel is committing a genocide? Where?

[Hermit 3] Refer the US State Department, Annual Human Rights Report, February 2001

"Israeli security forces committed numerous serious human rights abuses during the year" and "sometimes exceeded their rules of engagement, which provide that live fire is only to be used when the lives of soldiers, police, or civilians are in imminent danger."

"Since the violence began, Israeli security units often used excessive force against Palestinian demonstrators." the report said. Last May, the report noted, Israeli security forces killed six Palestinians and wounded up to 700 at demonstrations in which Palestinians were protesting the continued incarceration of Palestinians in Israeli jails. [Source ]

[Hermit 3] And "President Bush leveled some of his harshest criticism yet of Israel yesterday as his special envoy left Washington in a bid to halt a spiraling civilian death toll in the nearly 18-month-old Palestinian uprising." and "We remain very concerned about repeated Israeli Defense Force actions that result in high numbers of Palestinian casualties, including casualties, whether it's deliberate or not, of civilians and humanitarian workers," spokesman Scott McClellan said. [Source ]

[Hermit 3] So, from the above we see that even the US regards Israel as performing actions which are illegal. The reason that they are illegal is that they are forbidden under the Convention for the Prevention of Genocide. What does that make these actions?

[Jonathan Davis 2] Not even decent Palestinians make this ludicrous claim.

[Hermit 3] Francis A. Boyle, Professor in International Law, responsible for the indictment of Milosovic for Genocide (in res Bosnia and Herzegovina vs. Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)), certainly thinks so e.g. And that was well before the latest round of gory violence.



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