Re: virus: The face of genocide - While the world watches

Date: Wed Aug 07 2002 - 13:18:39 MDT

On 7 Aug 2002 at 6:30, rhinoceros wrote:

> [Joe Dees]
> The Palestinians, however, are showing, by their repeated words and
> actions, that if they were in the Nazi's position, many would wish to
> follow that same sick course, and are possessed by a similar ideology,
> cloakedi in and furtherr virulated by the pious mantle of a vicious
> (if their holy book is to be literally believed) religion.
> [rhinoceros]
> Don't you think it is a very poor model, even an abuse of reason, to
> put the malnourushed and outcast Palestinians who lash back in the
> place of the Third Reich trying to commit genocide. This is a very
> clear case where Godwin's law applies.
Did you know that many in the Palestinian community speak
exceedingly approvingly of Adolph's Reich, and admire his genocidal
intentions towards Jews?
> I think that your effort to explain everything on the grounds of an
> evil ideology-religion (which by the way is unfounded in the
> particular case of the Palestinians) is a bad obsession which, if used
> with consistency, and taking into account the persistent nature of
> beliefs, can lead you to "blanket bombing" solutions.
I'd like to see the religio-memetic stranglehold over the minds of these
people broken. Blanket-bombing is not something I would ever
endorse, for the assassins and murderers among them cannot be
selectively dealt with by employing such tactics. Those who attempt to
kill others have ipso facto ceded those others permission to kill them in
> ----
> This message was posted by rhinoceros to the Virus 2002 board on
> Church of Virus BBS.
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