(premature ejaculation... sorry)
It was said in the other thread on this subject that the scientists did not
cliam that HPV actually caused cancer, but this article suggestes otherwise.
To select a quote:
US researchers hope to engineer a potato that carries a vaccine against the
human papilloma virus (HPV).
As I said before, is there any proof that HPV causes cervical cancer, or is
there just a correlation?
-- === Mark 'Nurgle' Collins http://www.thisisnurgle.org.uk Stupid IRC quote of the <variable time period>: <phoenix> insider, you'll have to excuse nurgle, he's the epitamy of evil-------------------------------------------------------
-- === Mark 'Nurgle' Collins http://www.thisisnurgle.org.uk Stupid IRC quote of the <variable time period>: <phoenix> insider, you'll have to excuse nurgle, he's the epitamy of evil
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