Re: virus: My Inevitable Uber-post (was: The New Pledge of Allegiance)

From: Walter Watts (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 16:04:59 MDT

Or, Andy, as I once said:

Never, ever trust listserv custodial chains, ie.

>yada, yada
>>yada, yada
>>>yada, yada
>yada, yada
>>yada, yada
>>yada, yada
>>yada, yada
>>>>yada, yada
>>>yada, yada
>>>>yada, yada
>yada, yada
>>yada, yada
>>>yada, yada
>yada, yada
>>yada, yada
>>yada, yada
>>yada, yada
>>>>yada, yada
>>>yada, yada
>>>>yada, yada

Andy Brice wrote:

> >
> > Before I begin, I would like to thank Casey, Zolduska, Ben and Blunderov
> for their sane posts. And talking of anything but sanity...
> Kharin,
> Its very difficult to tell what is your post and what is not. This has the
> danger that you might end up looking as if you are agreeing with the person
> you are arguing with. A few '>'s would help greatly.
> best regards
> Andy Brice


Walter Watts Tulsa Network Solutions, Inc.

"No one gets to see the Wizard! Not nobody! Not no how!"

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