virus: Meme Wars!

David McFadzean (
Mon, 07 Dec 1998 11:44:11 -0700

Memetics, the foundation of the Church of Virus, has been dealt
a devastating blow in the latest issue of Skeptic (Vol. 6, No. 3).
The attack comes in the form of a scathing article entitled
"Memes -- What Are They Good For? (A Critique of Memetic Approaches
to Information Processing)" by James W. Polichak.

It will be very interesting to observe how the memetics community
(such as it is) responds to the attack. Either memeticists have to
stop making bold, unsupported claims (Polichak specifically targets
Brodie, Lynch and Blackmore) and get there act together or memetics
will become the next phrenology.

I think memetics can be saved because Polichak attacks a rather
simplistic model ("the conduit metaphor"), though that is hardly
his fault given the extent literature. We have to put memetics on
a firmer foundation, and my guess it that can be done by developing
a computational metaphor: memes are more like programs than genes
or viruses.

Let's analyze the article together and attempt to get a rebuttal
published in Skeptic. Because if Polichak is right, we might as
well close shop and go home.

Ob. Memes: Crisis! Save Our Children! Danger! :-)

David McFadzean       
special agent