On the more devils advocate * yet an appropriate position to take when
discussing such matters* side, what if white simply signifies snow? And the
red the color ov the outfit worn by the good ol' jolly elf himself Santa? The
can shape could be a reminder that we are all going to age and we should
lighten up a bit? And as for the other red stripes, they are either a symbol
ov the brick chimneys that Santa has drawn blood in on his way down or the
reigns he uses to control his flying deer. Take your pick.
Anyway, despite my overwhelming sarcasm, I still would like to know how
they overlooked that when they set off to explain the origin ov the "candy
Just wondering, how many people have sucked the end ov a candy cane into a
super needle sharp point and poked someone with it just for fun?? or is it
just me?