Re: virus: Lateral thinking (was:More virian propositions)

Eric Boyd (
Thu, 08 Oct 1998 00:55:10 -0400


sodom <> wrote:
> I dont remember ever hearing an argument that was outside
> of the "system" in which it exists.

The closest you've ever find to such an argument is Godel's incompleteness
theorem -- and even that is just a finger, inside the box, pointing to the

> Are there systems in effect that are not limited
> by their own definition?

The only system that anyone even claims is outside it's own box would be
Brodie's "level 3", but I think it's bull-shit. Level 3 is just a big box,
with lots of littler ones inside... and every so often, one encounters
Brodie in a small corner, standing guard with smoke and mirrors.