Re: virus: getting back to kristee 4 months later..

Zloduska (
Mon, 31 Aug 1998 03:39:23 -0500

>>After first reading this recent onslaught of rubbish, I was a
>>aggravated, but I've since realized that I am much too mature and
>>to get involved in a pathetic flame-war with you. It would be foolish
>>do so.

Dear Sir:
Please reread above statement. Thank you.

>This would also explain your complete misunderstanding of
>everything I've yet said....don't let yourself fall into the habit of
>just reading along, try to 'think' along as you read.....thereby
>enabling yourself to perhaps 'see' the actual intent of a given

Sir, *please* reread YOUR OWN statement, and the previous one above. Thank


p.s. My usage of the phrase 'Rise Above' was purely a personal musical
reference and not intended to denote any superiority. I meant the phrase
itself, but not the snootiness that it implies.

>p.s. I (Sebastian) am not this afore-mentioned "Brett Robertson"; nor
>is it a pen-name for anyone else...get your paranoia gland checked !

p.s.s: My exclamation at the end was in reference to the "card game", was a
joke not paranoia, and _indeed_ there is a Brett Lane Robertson who exists
not only in our dreams but in this very list. Trust me, the remark made
perfect sense.