Re: virus: replicators don't follow the same rules!

Robin Faichney (
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 09:53:44 +0100

In message <>, Robert Moritz
<> writes
>Seeing it this way, lets look at a spider. now, a
>spider's web is not considered 'alive'. On a cellular level, life is
>defined as being neccesary to life(kinda). I feel that the two(spider
>and web) should be considered as one, with the spider as the 'prime
>animator' of the web extention. A more suitable name would probably be
>'filters'. So, from that perspective, a human can be viewed as a 'prime
>animator' also; the animator of his home.

Haven't yet read it myself, but I believe this is
something like what Dawkins is saying in "The
Extended Phenotype" -- our cultural artifacts are
extensions of our bodies.
