Uh oh, another Aristotle basher....
Give the guy a break. It weren't his damn fault that idiot
religion-mongers decided to halt the progress of scientific inquiry, and
that his were among the few volumes they did save from the burning.
He still came up with the single most important and still relevant theory
of dramatic form, although, yes, look at what he was reviewing....
If it weren't for Aristotle (and the Arabs), we might still be in the
Dark Ages. Well, I exaggerate, but I still get chills when I think about
the mass destruction of decades of research and recorded knowledge by
religion-mongers. The halt of knowledge has always been a prerequisite
for the spread of religions. Such is, hopefully, not the case with CoV.
Better a library in hell than a throne in heaven....
Wade T. Smith
morbius@channel1.com | "There ain't nothin' you
wade_smith@harvard.edu | shouldn't do to a god."
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