virus: A Meme For Dispelling Illusion

B. Lane Robertson (
Tue, 04 Aug 1998 13:19:16 PDT

Below is a meme. It is a "meme" because it is written in a way that it
mimics a pattern which organizes ideas in a such a way that when the old
pattern conforms to the new pattern, the old ideas evolve AND the
superior organization is replicated (assuming that the pattern for
"glamour/ illusion" is superior to the pattern for "trance/
mystification", the meme of <charismaticism> will be replicated: This
further assumes that the "viral components" of this organization might
hook into a receptive site in the new hosts memeset [that there is a
need for the effects of this new organization... that the new host has a
problem with "mystification"]):

Assume you are tired. You deny this. You deny this because you *wish*
you were NOT tired. I know you are tired, that you deny it, and that
you wish you were not. You are in a "mystified" state from my

You fantasize about sleeping. I promise you rest. You develop a bond
to me, a "fantasy bond" because I appear to have something you want in a
way that you can continue to deny that you want it (by attributing the
suggestion of it to me). You are in a "hypnotic" state.

I suggest that I can *make* you sleepy. I have set up a reciprocal
relationship within which your fantasy bond seeks resolution. You are
already hypnotically bonded. You are now in a state of wish fulfilment
(or "suggestivity").

Paradoxically, I have suggested that I can fulfill your desire for
*rest*. I have done this by setting up a power differential. By being
in a hypnotic state of fantasy bonding, AND a suggestive state of wish
fulfilment, your *projected* wish is transferred to me as a fantasy
enactment by which my ability to recognize your condition ALSO suggests
that I am not mystified by the same condition. You are now "entranced".

Were I similarly mystified, that is, if I were also tired, I would
presumably be in the same condition of denial as you. I would be
wishing for de-mystification in the form of a fantasy bond with someone
who RECOGNIZES my state, in their assumed "superior" state, such that
their recognition of my mystification would put me into a similar state
of *entrancement*. By my being so entranced, they might (similarly)
establish a fantasy bond. And through this fantasy bond, they would
(similarly) induce a "suggestive" state according to which I would have
then assumed that they they could fulfill my wish (due to to their
"actual" ability to be unaffected by a similar wish).

In the above: Being in a state which is, in a sense, "superior" to
this dynamic-- the dynamic by which you *are* affected-- I am
(correctly?) assumed to be capable of inserting the *suggestion* as to
how you might "dis-entrance" yourself (Note: This *suggestion* is
possible because you are in a "suggestive" state. As well,
"dis-entrancement" is hereby defined as the implied *suggestion* that
you can [similarly] be released from our fantasy bond-- thus you become
*de-mystified*-- through my *actual* ability to dis-entrance you from
your actions toward wish fulfilment [in my obvious lack of a need to be
affected by a similar wish]. That is, I am NOT "tired").

FINALLY, your wish signals a denial (as has been stated-- the wish to
NOT be tired is the denial that you ARE tired). This, in turn, signals
a state of "MYTH-ification" (a state within which reality has been
modified to conform to your presumption of vitality. You "romanticize"
the *myth* which matches the *suggestion* that confirms the *wish* which
has been induced through *mystification*).

At the core, *mythification* (or romanticization) is a belief in
paradoxical thinking-- that is, is "doublethink" (willing oneself to
accept stimuli which normally indicate one is tired-- for example-- but
which, nonetheless, MUST indicate that they are not what reality might
suggest is otherwise the case that they *are* (Other examples: I am
*fighting* for *peace*. I am *hurting* you in order to *help* you).
Mystification is thus a way to induce paradoxical thinking through
romantisizing (creating myths).

Assuming a healing of the mythologized state, through wish "denial",
according to a fantasy bond, which might happen by entrancement, within
which one is suggestive, to the projected mythologized characteristics
of the one *thus* attributed with "charismatic" properties; an
externalized state of myth is induced which might be called "glamour".*

*and thus, I might define *glamour* as the charismatic illusion of
healing a mythologized (or "delusional") state**

**Charismaticism assumed

Brett Robertson

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